Sunday, January 06, 2008

Our New Crib

No, we haven't moved and I don't watch MTV...we actually just put together our nursery. For those of you ready to jump all over us over the stereotypical sports theme, we challenge you to find a nursery set that does not involve zoo animals or Winnie the Pooh, and is somewhat masculine. The major issue was the low supply of baby items around here. We are just fine if our child does not care about sports.
We received a call on Friday, and we are heading out tonight for the birth (weather-permitting--a big IF right now)! Of course we are antsy and excited and anxious, so we spent a good amount of time on Saturday mountain biking. Brady rates this trail as one of our top 3 rides for it's spectacular views.

The destination was a lighthouse, but we didn't take a picture. Actually, when we made it, we figured we couldn't possibly be there yet. The "lighthouse" was a light on a pole, with a toolbox attached. Hardly picturesque. Thinking that it couldn't be it, we kept searching, following all sorts of "No Trespassing" signs and dodging abandoned cars. We finally figured out from a local that we had passed and ignored our original desination, so we booked it home.

We finally were able to go to the Beach House Restaurant in Poipu. We wanted to go on our anniversary, but could not get a reservation. Then, we wanted to go with Jill and Eric, but we were in California over the time of our reservation. Third time's a charm, right? The scenery was fabulous, and the flavor even better! (Thanks for dinner, Jill and Eric!)

These pictures were taken exclusively for Cory. Macademia-nut crusted Mahi-Mahi and the Kauai Duet.

New Year's Resolutions? Hmmm...not with molten chocolate cake on the menu.


Anonymous said...

That's great! Zachary will be a great sports star anyway, so you may as well get him indoctrinated young =)

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you guys went to the Beach House! Eric also enjoyed the macadamia nut crusted fish...MMMM!

Kristen said...

So excited. Can't stand it!

{Erica} said...

Karen and Brady,
not sure if you remember us from the 200th ward but we are thrilled to see that you're going to be parents soon! We are so happy for you. We were just talking about you guys with the Ahuna's while in utah. anyway, again, we're so happy for you guys!

cory said...

Ah, bless your souls for taking those food pictures. I relived my experience last year at the Beach House Restaurant all over again! Mmmm.

NW Varneys said...

First of all, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on your new addition Zachary!!!! He is cute! I'm so happy for you it brought tears to my eyes to read your email. We can't wait to meet him--maybe this fall?
The crib looks great! No judgment here. Audrey's room is going to be pink, pink, pink. That's pretty stereotypical, too, but we have about 10 blankets for her and they are ALL pink and white! So much for the gender neutral jungle animal set we got with Trey thinking we would reuse it with all the kids. I should have given into Aaron's wishes and gone with sports. The baby doesn't know--it's more for the parents, and we all know you're both big sports fans. :)