Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It's been almost a month since our last entry, so any occasion merits a blog post at this point. I know some of you are anti-Valentines, but a few years ago, someone (Cory and Kristen?) told us to take turns doing the anniversary and Valentine's for more fun (and less cash), and we agree.

This year, I get the anniversary, so it was Brady's turn today. I got home from my run, and this is what awaited (these images are the first to emerge from our new digital camera):

I had a "marathon trail run" of Dove dark chocolate...

At the "5 mile mark," I was surprised with my favorite energy bar...

...the 15 mile mark brought me extra protection on my jogs through our dangerous neighborhoods...
...and the finish line held a great prize--a CamelPak! I've wanted one to hold my cell, snacks, and of course water while I train for the San Francisco Marathon. I'm sure that sounds whimpy, but hey, I don't have water fountains every few miles here like I did in Utah. Staying hydrated, baby.
Happy Valentines Day, all you lovebirds!


Eric and Jill said...

you sure do make that camelpak look mighty sexy. i give brady props for all of his great work!

happy late vday to you both! cincy had an ICE storm, and i spent my vday without power huddled up with the kitties as eric worked until about 10 p.m. our house reached an all time low of 40 degrees! it finally crept back up to around 70 at 1 a.m.

cory said...

Hey Karen, yes, Kristen and I are big proponents of the idea of taking turns for Valentine's and anniversaries. In fact, we've gone a step further now. Kristen is always in charge of Valentine's Day plans and I am always in charge of Anniversary plans. Of course, that doesn't exempt the other from buying a gift or chocolates or writing a kind note, etc.

Kristen said...

Was that really it at the finish line?? Nothing else???

Anonymous said...

wow! you are running th SF! that is sooo cool!

hey.. i heard about your possible Island life.. you will have to come by sometime.. the kids miss you...