Sunday, January 14, 2007

Christmas '06 Highlights

Having two families within hours of each other is very convenient and cost effective, but also makes visiting a juggling act. Thankfully, we both have parents that are understanding and happy to have us regardless of how long we can stay.

This year, we flew into Columbus on the 23rd, and headed to Michigan on the 24th right after church. We arrived in time for a yummy traditional lasagne dinner and a reenactment of the nativity. My favorite parts included Blake using his sheperd's cane as a gun, and Cory flying around like a crazy man during his angel scene.

Christmas morning came early for all of us still on California time. Here's a man recovering from jet lag, and while Blake is clearly faking his sleep, Brady is completely out.

There is really no such thing as "time off" for a mission president and his wife, but Mom and Dad worked hard to make time for us! Mom's cooking was fantastic, and Dad had great stories as always. While there, we saw Christmas lights (sort of--it was raining and the windows were quite foggy), went to P.F. Changs, toured the ritsy neighborhoods, played games, and talked, talked, talked.

We also played football, with Brady's favorite Christmas present this year. Ryan got me throwing a spiral (maybe 50% of the time--an improvement!), and we enjoyed the 50 degree weather and blue skies we had for most of the visit.

This doll was clearly Rachel's favorite Christmas present--at least for the time we were in MI.

Ryan was fun to hang out with, as always. We wish the rest of the family could have made it as well, but enjoyed talking with them on the phone and through a camera on the computer.

Mom and Dad are halfway through their mission! To celebrate, we grilled dinner and Kristen made her famous cake. We served everything in halves--half a plate with half pieces of cake...

...half cups with half percent milk...

...with half forks (although we needed more than half napkins). We definitely ate more than half the cake, though.

After their "hump day" celebration, we returned to Ohio. The next morning, we took our family pictures, opened presents, and played more football.

Brady and I have never really seen Columbus, and neither had the family. We spent the next day touring the city. Here is a statue of good-ol' Christopher himself.

A replica of the Santa Maria...

Here is the original Wendy's. It was fun to see all the newspapers and decor inside.

Perhaps the best part of touring the city was walking into OSU stadium. We were much more excited about this before their disasterous, 86-yard bowl game.

We also went bowling, where I scored a mere 181 points, with 5 strikes (4 in a row). Before getting too impressed, you should know that in my very next game, I scored 80 points.

Anna has the best poses at bowling alleys. (See last years "flexing.")

We also scored Chinese at our favorite take-out. This Chinese tradition only started a couple of years ago, but it is definitely a keeper! Yum.

My sisters are all so much older now. The first night back home, I told Brady that our visits are no longer "magical" to them. By the end of the trip, they warmed up to us again. I just adore them.

Janece sent us home with some homemade Christmas tree decorations for next year.

I also learned that every person in my family goes for the most "technically correct" Apples-to-Apples card. None of this, "pick the funny card" business for them. "Technically correct" in some cases was completely wrong when the card was picked by someone like Anna, but that's how it goes when you're 6.

One of my favorite times of the trip was playing rotating ping pong with the entire family. It got pretty competitive (imagine that), but everyone was nice to the three girls, and they held their own.

Of course, it was also great to see Kevin after 2.5 years. He was good enough to run with me 3 times--including a longer run. I thought that he would putter out after a few miles, but he's in excellent shape. It is difficult for me to keep up with his 6'4" frame.

Like father...
Like daughter.
No trip to Ohio would be complete without visiting a few friends. We went out to dinner with Christina and Ryan, and Jill and Eric, and caught up a bit. Brady had to take off for work on the 1st, but I was also able to head to Cincinnati to spend time with Jill and Eric later that week. We visited the art museum, went to lunch, and drove around looking at views. I really loved Cincinnati--it has a lot of history (and two of my favorite people). I also love their new house and interior design skills.

I always get the post-holiday blues when returning home, but it has been nice to return to work and a schedule. It was also nice that we never left CA time the entire trip. Instead, everyone we visited took on our time. Very convenient, and it is nice that we don't feel like we need a vacation from our vacation.

Bring on 2007.


Eric and Jill said...

WORD!!! Bring it ON! Those are some great pics--I really love the one of you and Brady at the stadium! That's frame-worthy! Thanks so much for visiting us in Cincy-we loved having you! Hopefully next time we'll have the two or THREE of you over!

Julie said...

What a fun vacation!! Sounds like you packed a ton into your trip. We hit both families during our Christmas vacation too - it was great fun but meant 1,400 miles of driving within 5 days. Ugh!

Maybe we'll catch you someday in a future trip to Ohio! :)

Natalie and Steve said...

Uh oh Karen! Is Eric (might I add that this is your BABY brother) taller than you now?!
Fun family picture! I'm sad that I couldn't be there, but oh thats life!
And I LOVED that "half" idea. So fun!