Thursday, December 07, 2006

More Pics from Thanksgiving

Things I Learned in Boise, Idaho

1. Kids from CA think that 60 degree weather is frigid. "Mommy, my hands are so cooooollllld," says Blake to Kristen.

2. Easton has some pretty great faces.

3. So does Ryan.

4. And Cory and Kristen.

5. Natalie can complete about 10 tasks at the same time, including pulling off a fantastic and coordinated Thanksgiving dinner with a newborn.

5. When it gets late enough, even the cup game sounds fun.

6. I can pick up a bag with my teeth to beat a bunch of guys and a pregnant woman. (I must gloat at this victory, because I'm convinced that Kristen or Natalie will claim the prize next time around...although Scott and Cory put up an impressive run.)

7. I appreciate suburbs--their fountains, sidewakes, entry arches, private park/playgrounds, the whole bit. I am a suburb gal. Running through the neighborhoods reminded me that I want to live in a suburb. (I do think I would like living in mid-city with a studio apt, but Brady thinks I'm all talk when it comes to that. Probably right.)

8. Our camera is pretty terrible. As you can see from above, it may be time to dip deep into the pockets for something a little more reliable. This is the best we've got! I don't even have a clear picture of my sister Natalie, who also made the trek up to Boise.

Good times, good food, good company.


Eric and Jill said...

A studio apt. in the city? Definitely all talk, Karen--Brady's got you pegged.
Did you actually end up grabbing that bag on the floor with your teeth? You are quite the athlete. Also, Mormon's play flip cup?

Brady said...

Yes, an embarrasing, but now publicized truth. What is really sad is how much fun it was.

Brady said...

Bag game: This was the stage that everyone was basically still in. You had to grab it with your mouth while only standing on one foot. (Although the other foot can rest on the one foot.) The boys were really good at it! I was impressed.

Natalie and Steve said...

Yeah, well at least you didn't rip your pants at the game...unlike someone I happen to know really well...

Anonymous said...

look slike tons of fun.. and yes.. us cali folks like our 75 degree weather!

Ken said...

Very cute pics...

oh hey.. my blog moved: