Sunday, September 24, 2006

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

Northern Cal is definitely into baseball, and we're working on becoming fans. Brady's work was able to hook us up with box seats at the Giant's game last week, but other than food and good company, it was a bit of a disappointing game. It was fun being at the Giant's stadium, though!

These are two of the guys Brady works with, and their wives. We all piled into one car to save on parking at the stadium. It was squishy, but entertaining.

Friday night, our ward went to the A's game, with 85 of us in the group. The kids in our ward were hilarious, popping out some hip-hop to the music in between innings, and running up and down the stairs. I'm not sure any of them actually watched the game, but they sure had fun eating their Cracker Jacks.

As you can tell by our apparel, we are quickly becoming A's fans.

We were a little late getting to the game because of work. We were both uptight, pulling in during the 4th inning, but that ended up playing to our advantage. We still saw 8 innings (as well as 4 homeruns), and most importantly, the last play of the 12th inning--Mark Skootero's base hit that drove in the man on third. Afterwards, we all went to the field to watch the best fireworks we've ever seen. (And you'd think that out of 6 pics, we'd have something better than these fireworks...but I'm a firm believer in experiencing the event, and not just getting great pictures.)


Anonymous said...

What do you mean, 'other than the food and good company, it was a bit of a disappointing game'? Isn't that why people go to baseball games? That's why I go, at least. Plus, sports games are the one place you can scream at the top of your lungs, and people don't look at you like you're a maniac =)

Eric and Jill said...

Cute pics! Are you two both wearing pink with your A's hats on? Are you starting to color coordinate? You know what that means! JK!

Brady said...

Nope, we're both wearing white, but the sun was going down, so the coloring looks different.

What does that mean?

Natalie and Steve said...
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Natalie and Steve said...

Well, Kevin is probably going to get strange looks all his life...

I'm glad that you didnt' miss too much of the 12-inning game! THAT would have been a shame! :)

Eric and Jill said...

It means that you would be one of those married couples who start looking alike...or something.

Brady said...

Uh oh...

Scott and Natalie said...

GO DODGERS!!! DON'T FORGET YOUR ROOTS AND BECOME A FREAGIN' GIANTS FAN!! You can stick with the A's though, just because they are in the A.L.