Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sweatin' to the Oldies

We love the oldies, and we don't mind a little sweat. We also don't mind Richard Simmons.

We are, however, pretty sick of this California heat wave. We are reminded daily that we don't live IN San Francisco!

We are currently on a "heat advisory." No one really had to tell us that. That fact is easily established by walking outside at 7am, and still getting drenched. It's been over the 100s for over a week. Saturday, it hit 110. Today, it "cooled off" to a mild 106 degrees. Fantastic.

I was self-conscious about my excessive sweating--especially around all the faculty at my new job. Then I realized that everyone else had neck rings and back sweat stains, too. Eww.

Everyone around here keeps assuring us that this is "out of the ordinary" and that they just "can't believe this crazy weather." Each time I hear these phrases, I make a threat to the weatherman..."It BETTER be out of the ordinary." Or else, right?

What do you do? I suppose even the CA climate isn't always ideal.


The Marecles said...

We are experiencing the same thing. If it hits 100 tomorrow we will break a recored of 100 degree weather for nine concecutive days. It is pretty crazy. I missed five days of it though because I was in Alaska fishing. You will have to check our blog in a few weeks. We will have to post something.

Natalie and Steve said...

Hold up, I'm going to make you fairly jealous for a moment. I can't say that it has gotten above maybe, oh...92 all summer. Oh wait, no, 94 today. :) Don't hate me because we have nice weather...

Natalie and Steve said...

By the way, how was the weather on your anniversary?