Thursday, July 20, 2006

Remember the Blues

Sometimes work gives you perks...and this was one of those times. The company I work for is a large sponsor for the Wente Vineyards Concert Series in Livermore, CA. The concerts are outside among beautiful vineyards and golfing greens. Supposedly, cameras are not allowed--so naturally I took only a few pictures.

Karen and I were given tickets valued at $150/ea to listen to music while sitting on tables next to the stage, and also eat from the best buffet I have ever had. I had to be sneaky to snap these pics.

After being stuffed with salmon, chicken, and delectable fruits we awaited the main event..."The Blues Traveler." I remembered a couple of their songs, but the most impressive performance was John Popper on the harmonica(hat and glasses). I promise their concert was better than this picture. Real cool, huh.


cory said...

I'm so glad that you guys are food picture takers!

Eric and Jill said...

Brady, did you actually write "delectable fruits"?
Your postings can always make me chuckle. That's cool you saw John Popper bring it!

Brady said...

Jill, you have quite a few words of your own. hahaha

And no, we are not food picture takers. Brady might be, but I am not. Please keep generalizations like this away from me.


Scott and Natalie said...

"The hook brings you bayayack..."
"I like coffee and I like tea..."
"Oh, one upon a midnight dreary, I walked with something in my head. I couldn't escape the memory of the phone call and what you said..."

Are you kidding? I love these guys. I've still got their CD! They were and still are the bomb in my book. And yes, the harmonica guys rocks! I'm jealous you guys got to see them.

Natalie and Steve said...

I want to grow up to be a harmonica player....

Anonymous said...

We miss you already Karen!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Ohh, Cory and Kristen are rubbing off on you guys! You are food picture takers, you need help!