Monday, February 20, 2006

Taking Time Off

Brady and I both took off our separate ways these past two weeks...Brady to Reno for a construction competition, and me to Idaho with the track team. Brady's team finished 3rd, and my team had a finalists/medalists in every major category--field events, distance, and sprints.

It's fun to have good athletes on your team. We have a pair of twins that are cleaning up in Utah--they basically have records in every sprint category for outdoor and indoor track. Obviously, times are slower with indoor, but you (I guess I'm just suggesting this to Kristen, unless anyone else is interested) can check them out here: 2006 Utah Wrap-Up. Not to sound racist, but they were pretty much the only white girls that made it to finals. I can't take any credit for their talent, but they are both in my health and fitness classes, so maybe the way they eat has impacted their performance?! Just kidding... My athlete is Todd Davis, who took 4th in high jump. I trained him from day one, so I can at least feel that I contributed a bit. hehe If he had jumped his best, he would have been 3rd, but oh well.

We're home again until the end of March, when I take off for St. George with track, and then we both jet to Cali for the weekend to find a job (for me) and hopefully housing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it... Cali is soooo waiting for you!

Smooches to both of you!