Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dad's Visit for "His Tooth"

Last weekend, my dad came into town to "have his tooth worked on" by my uncle. We all know the truth, though. He really came to see as many BYU sports as he could in one day. (He would say as much, too.) It was fun showing him our new place. Sadly, our air mattress now has a hole in it, so this was his sleeping accomodation.

He was a trooper! He went to the TCU game, ate dinner as fast as possible, and marched off to the now-once-defeated BYU Women's Soccer team. I let him go to that with my sisters. I wasn't up for a full day of sports observation--especially after that TCU game.


Eric and Jill said...

Haha! Your dad looks really comfy on your nice couch. That's cool he was able to visit!

Anonymous said...

He did have a great time and you're right about the BYU sports!

Anonymous said...

Aww, I miss dad! But the TCU game was a blast, regardless of how sore I was about the game!--Nat N