Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Owen was sent home from school one day with a fever.  I measured him three times...got this every time.  He was 100% okay and just wanted to hang at home.  I'm trying to navigate what "headache" means--is it a plea for staying home or a symptom of illness?  He does get a headache right before he has a fever quite often, but lately it is the catch-all word he uses to get out of uncomfortable situations.  

Also, our school nurse is a lovely person but more than happy to send a child home if they clear their throat one time during class.

Kate looked forward to the Oahu temple trip for a month.  This girl loves to travel, loves her YW group, and loves the temple.

Beach afternoon followed by Bubba's while Kate and Zac were on Oahu.
Getting turkey crafts on.
A boy and his dog.
This was a major pain from the additional driving, but I was so happy to support Kate and Kelsey as they played with special needs kids for the Peace Players.  They did an assembly and were selected as delegates to go play at the  Smith's Family Luau.  Chiefess has given these two so many leadership opportunities.
An Allerton's afternoon with friends.
Owen was on a journal-writing kick for a couple weeks.  His goose-neck reading light makes me laugh.
Isaac was called on his mission to Argentina!  This was a big moment in our friend group--first kid on a mission.  He leaves in a couple weeks.  As one of Zac's closest friends, he will be sorely missed.

A girl and her dog.

Several Friday evenings (the only night without ballet!) at the beach.
Waffles.  Every Sunday.

Brady sent me the new gym remodel photos, including this witty number:

Just a boy and his dog.
...in a photo progression...

I deliberately picked my job so I could be there all the things--the pick-ups, the drop-offs, the after-school snacks, the piano, the homework, the practices, the games.  Every now and again, my plan fails and I'm at work during school events.  The mom guilt is real, and I am learning to let it go.  After all, Brady missed many Ohana picnics and did not stress over it.  I do not need to stress.  I just hope they will remember all the events I do make it to.  Zachary had school off that day, so he joined Brady and Owen at the rainy event.  I even made it in time to see his presentations of learning about 30 minutes later.
Talent Show at YW: these girls put together a choreographed piece to share.

Thanksgiving with Stebbins and Clarks means you will eat delicious, beautiful food.  We did sweet potatoes, salad, cranberry sauce, ham, and raspberry jello "salad."  There are basically no pictures because of a joke that was taken poorly (taken poorly by me), followed by some heartache and awkwardness.  But we all got through it!  

Plus this beauty:
Early on in November, we all had the crazy idea to do Polihale camping that night..you know, the night following the longest cooking day of the year.  The kids (who did not cook) thought it was a great plan and we are suckers for Polihale and camping so we hesitantly committed.  When we arrived, we found the biggest swell we had ever seen at that beach.  It made for a stunning mist backdrop and pounding waves.

Brady took this photo and I liked it so much, I had it framed for him at Christmas.

In early evening, a couple showed up at our campsite and let us know they were washed out of their campsite.  They were further down the beach and camping in a tent attached to the top of the car, and still got flooded out by a big wave.  We were getting a little nervous as each hour passed and the waves approached the top of the sand cliffs where we were set up.

The teens had air mattresses set out closer to the beach than our tents, and had to run toward them when the mattresses were caught by a wave.  This is when Owen started getting very concerned and was no longer interested in games with the other kids.  He was so upset with Zac, who he felt was taking risks and doing "dangerous activities"  because he was messing around on the top of the dunes.  Ha.  Sweet brother.
With our eye on the waves as they continued to approach and our very concerned little boy, we opted to pack up camp and head home.  We did not want to be stuck with Polihale road shut down, which has happened before (not to us, but to the road).  The tide still had 4 hours to rise as well, and with other locals bailing nearby, we did not want to be the holdouts.  If there is anything worse than prepping for camping, it is packing up after NOT camping.  

As we checked the site over, a wave came right up within feet of the campfire!  Then, as kids used the restroom, a wave hit the parking lot.  We have never seen anything like it, so at least the evening was memorable and Owen felt safe!  

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