Monday, October 10, 2022

Moments of Summer

Looking through my camera roll, I laugh at these first few images from over the summer.

Owen is SO MAD after church.  Why?  I don't remember.  But it was an aggressive fit and we had a nice little time-out on the side of the road.  Immediately after, he melted into my arms.  He is a cuddles boy.

I took a fall at First Break and my fit hit my arm.  I had a dead arm and a moment of fear as I tried to get out of the whitewater.  Not fear like I was going to die but fear like I was going to swallow a ton of water and maybe break my board.  Instead, I ended up with a bruise and what feels like scar tissue a couple months later.

Zachary worked for our friend Todd at his lot.  Things were going well and he earned $200 before he sliced his finger open with a yard tool.  That ended his enthusiasm for his new summer job and he was crushed to miss some excellent summer surf.  He was ready to work again 10 days later, but Todd's family went on vacation.  He's excited to have a "real job" with more steady work/hours.

Owen asked me to take him on a hike one morning while Kate was at dance.  We explored the Shipwreck Caves and tidepools.

We met John and Aleesa Parsons and their kids.  They hung out with us a ton over the summer.  Jolie and Kate are the same age and have very similar demeanors.  Beau is 9 and Owen is 6, but Owen says Beau is a "bestie."  Beau was nice enough to come over and play with him, and talk waves and water with him at the beach.  The two of them spent hour learning to skim board together.

This particular night at Kenji Burger, Zachary was so embarrassed by Owen's non-stop chatter to Beau.  Beau did not seem to mind but Zachary was dying.  I think Owen's social confidence is endearing.

Just another Sunday around the neighborhood.

Zachary had run club every Tuesday and Thursday of summer.  He attended about 2/3rds of them.  They were hosted at various locations around the island at 7:30am, so it took effort and coordination to get him to Kapa'a (45 min away) that early.  Kate, Owen and I biked while he ran.

Back to home base--Sheratons.

RIP to Zachary's board...he left it at the beach a couple weeks ago and it was snatched up.  It was banged up but he is distraught over it.

A delayed last day of school celebration at Hilary's.  We made plates full of waffles, watched the kids go down her enormous slip-and-slide, grilled out, and had ping pong and basketball competitions.

Kate was so excited to hang with Laney who was visiting for 2 weeks.
This slide means business.  I thought Nate was so sweet to hold on his first few runs down.

A pup with a new do.
"Mom, remember how you told me I could have lunch in the tub just like King Bidgood?  Can we do that today?"

Yep, King O, today we lunch in the tub!


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