Wednesday, November 17, 2021

October and Halloween

We love the later nights with Zachary when we can help him with schoolwork if needed, hear him chat about the week, and cozy up with him.
Surf Mondays are happening again!  I do my best to take Monday off and so does Hilary.
Owen and Kate are into playing "Restaurant."  Owen fixed himself this peanut-butter-carrot entree. 
I knew that getting a dog meant most of the work was on me, but Zac plays with her every night.

Edwards Eerie Edibles 2021!

Nic and Heidi created another spooky hit: Brady's long toe.

The kids came costumed up but this is the best shot we took:

Another Monday, another visit to the dog park:

...and another surf session with my ladies.
Halloween time meant spooky dreams for Kate and Owen.  
Rox gets plenty of love around here.
Roxy waiting by the door for Brady to get home, not realizing it was a Princeville night.
Pumpkin Races!  Brady worked on assembling the wheels and bearings until 10pm the night before.

Halloween Parade, Spook Alley, and Pumpkin Race Day!  I was so disappointed to miss these events, tied up with 7 parent-teacher conferences for Zachary's school.

Owen's class:

First haul of Halloween:
After a fun time at school, the day only got better with a trip to TARGET! (I actually care very little about having a Target because I order everything online, but Kate could not be happier.)
That night, we rushed to our friends' Halloween couples party.  I might have been irritated with Brady for tardiness, which made the costume I'm wearing even more appropriate.
...and another Karen showed up, wearing the same Karen costume.

Early the next morning, the boys ran the second annual Hilloween Race, supporting Kate's ballet company.  They killed it, placing 3rd and 4th overall.

Zachary is tenacious: he beat every single teen there.

Kate and Shay created a Spooky Spa:

Kate is so, so sweet, and always lets Owen join in the fun.

Time to carve pumpkins!  This always feels like a checklist item for me at Halloween.  I do not love it but I do love watching the kids get excited.  We also can't do this early--the temps here rot the pumpkin in 24 hours.

Family Movie Night: The Addams Family

Trick or Treat Night!  We went to Kakela Makai, knew almost every person who passed by, and didn't see one car on the road.  Perfection!

This house was amazing: dancing skeletons in the windows, singing pumpkins, skeletons fishing on a spooky boat, decked out costumes, and music.

Roxy was so happy to see everyone that she tolerated her panda suit all night.
Christina's family nailed it.

Halloween hangover after school the next day.  Right before he fell asleep, he said with juicy tears, "Mom!  I am so sad and I can't figure out why!"

I will tell you why, son:

Carol invited us the next day to come and make lilikoi jelly at the farm.  

I'm not going to lie and say I hate Halloween candy because I have the sweet tooth of a 10-year-old, but the jelly was even better than a Snickers.
Me, Denise, and Carol:

We did not have enough candy and the neighbors were desperate to see our kids in costume, so they dressed up again and collected another haul.  (Groan, and adorable.)

Owen started t-ball!  He could not be more excited.  He played soccer with Team CAN!, and I helped coach, but it was intimidating to play on a U8 team as a 5-year-old.  Every day, we play catch for 10 minutes and he has rapidly improved.  

He even won the "Hot Dog of the Day" award for effort at practice.

Getting a child ready for t-ball is ridiculous and puts soccer prep to shame.  Special unders, a cup jammed in and wiggled around until it no longer "hurts," pants tied tied and rolled up, long socks, cleats, uniform shirt, hat, glove, water bottle, bat, AND helmet.  Seriously.  It's a 15-minute job and 100% dependent on me.

But oh my, how cute is this kid???

Coach Dave is the best.  I've surfed with  him for years and he has twins that are Owen's age.  He is the one who convinced us to do this baseball gig again.
Not as cute: putting your cup on the kitchen table.  No, not your drinking cup.  Your cup.

Kate has had many extra, extended rehearsals in preparation for The Nutcracker next month.  It is her favorite activity and I hear her express excitement at least twice a day.

So grateful for my surf-sister, ballerina friend Hilary for providing opportunities like this for the keiki of Kaua'i.

Zachary challenged himself this month, too, entering the Middle School Race Series sponsored by Run Club Kaua'i.  It is strange to me that middle school sports don't exist since I came from a school that had a large athletic program.  
Zachary entertained the spectators by wearing socks both races.  He crossed the finish line in third place overall, and immediately sat down.  All the other boys joined him.
Luka, Cedric, and Zachary: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.  CONGRATS, boys!
His team won both boys and girls.

Championship race, and he scores 3rd, again sock-footed.  Well done!

Zachary was stoked about the hardware and the $25 gift card to Lapperts.
I'm convinced there is no prettier place to run.
Now for the more day-to-day.  Owen still looks for flowers to send Grandma:
Sunday strolls:

100 Days Reading program everyday, picked up again after a lull.  
Another trip to the farm for the kids to collect and open macadamia nuts and find guava.

Kate and Owen made wallets and driver's licenses.
They continued playing "Restaurant" and Owen writes his own menu.  Salad with chicken, anyone?  Chicken with rice?  Cracker with cheese? Tomato with rice?

I'm getting a little more local every day, and now crave poke bowls and Saimen.

That's a wrap!  I love Halloween but I'm so happy to take down the witches, throw out the sticky candy, and move on to Thanksgiving when it's all over.

1 comment:

Kristen Nufer said...

It's fun to see your family's activities! You live in such a beautiful place!

I've never heard of pumpkin races, that is hilarious!

Your kids are looking so old! I love the ballerina picture and the baseball boy. Way to go Zac and Brady for doing so well on the race!