Sunday, November 01, 2020

Halloween 2020

I like to plan but I'm finding myself happier when I am more relaxed and let things play out rather than try to organize the details.  That worked in my favor this Halloween.  Until 2 days before, we had no idea what our plan for the holiday would include.  We absolutely wanted to be responsible and we worried about trick-or-treating.  We decided along with most of our community (and with a nod from the Mayor) that since there were no community spread COVID cases, we would go ahead with socially-distanced, masked-up trick-or-treating.    I had previously purchased gobs of candy thinking we would not be going out, and instead play Minute-to-Win-It games like my sister suggested.  To their credit, our kids were patient as we told them again and again, "We aren't sure" when asked about plans.  

The morning started early with Zac and Brady participating in the Hilloween Race, a brand new fundraiser at Kate's ballet studio farm.  Their family created a vicious, hill-packed race along their property.  In accordance to county guidelines, they had 15 participants.  Zachary and Brady raced their hearts out and won first and second!  I was most proud of Z for wearing a tutu and cape to run.  He was resistant to dressing up this year, and I love that he decided on his own to go for it.  He finished the race and said all he wanted to do was barf.

We left behind a house that needed some work and plenty of other to-dos and drove to Hanalei for the only waves on the island.  There are so many ways I know Brady loves me, and this was one of them.  I've had very little surf since homeschooling began.  He makes that drive so many times a week, and I told him I did not need to go, but he pushed for it, too, and we took off.  We took Roxy with us and left her at the Layton house while we played since she cannot be on the ground until her third set of vaccines are complete next week.  The only picture we have of that gorgeous beach day full of really fun rides for me and Zachary is this photo of Roxy playing the iPad on the way up.

We started getting pictures on family feeds and some included Paul and Ang's dog dressed as a UPS driver, and Sundance dressed as a lion.  We were delighted and wanted to dress our dog up, but we had exactly 5 minutes until we needed to go meet up with friends for the evening.  We remembered Kate's witch costume when she was 9 months old, which still goes down as my favorite Halloween picture of all time.  We tried to get Roxy in it, more or less unsuccessfully.  I love that we got at least Kate and Roxy together as witches.

Driving over, feeling sassy with my face stickers.  

In 4-year-old style, we have seen a lot of Baby Yoda.  Owen has worn this costume around the house at least a dozen times.
I was hoping Zachary would dress as Mando with Owen, but he wasn't sure he was into it.  He needed a costume and we conjured one last minute.  He did not like the paper plate stick figure face, but I think he still looks like a stick figure.

We've graduated from princesses.
I was so happy she wanted me to twin with her.  I'm pretty much always a witch now.

Stebbin Clown and Zombies:

We watched BYU demolish their underdog opponent while we waited on pizza and the kids ran up and down the street, hoping for darkness.

Full moon Halloween!  

People handled it differently.  There were some without masks, and others lowering candy from their balconies in a pulley system.  Most wore masks and stayed away from congregating.  We noticed a few homes with huge parties.  Interesting.

The boys came home with embarrassing hauls.  They spend the evening trading, and the candy organization and "hard" decisions have started between Kate, Zac, and Owen.  (Owen, in a series of tantrums only Halloween can produce, currently melts down every time we say "No" or "Hello" or "I love you.")

I am not allowing myself to freak out about excess today.  Obviously we need to do some magic tricks with our kids this year.  Obviously people felt they were being so generous when they gave out full candy bars and multiple chocolates (and I'm "guilty" of the same as I worked to pass out as much as I could).  Obviously I should not allow my child to consume or collect this much.  Today, I am allowing the gloat and excitement.

I'm guessing Zac won't like Reeses after this year.

1 comment:

Kevin Nufer said...

Nice costumes this year! Love Zac's smug look about his haul.