Sunday, April 01, 2018

Kate Turns 7!

Kate has been counting down her birthday since the beginning of January.  She has repeatedly asked, "Can you believe I'm about to be 7?!?!?"  Of course we can't believe it, but in some ways we can!  She suddenly acts and talks and looks a little more pre-teen than toddler.  She spends her money on Dove Cameron music and watches "Liv and Maddie."  She loves her skinny jeans and hip hop shoes and can't wait to get her ears pierced (we are making her wait at least another year).  On the other hand, she loves her dolls and legos and they are the first thing she runs to when she gets home.  She wants to be a singer, dancer, teacher, doctor, and mom.  She is eager to please, kind, friendly, gentle, and also competitive.
We let her open one gift after her birthday breakfast, and after putting on her new shirt, she exclaimed, "OH MY GOSH!  I LOOK LIKE A GROWN-UP!"

This picture of her not smiling reminds me of posed pictures of me not smiling--hilarious!

It rained all day on her birthday, but we had friends over for a playdate and opened presents when Brady came home.
I love her expressions opening gifts.

He looks so pathetic, huh?  How sweet is Kate?  Owen was hurt one day and two nights before her birthday.  The night before her birthday, she tentatively asked, "Do you think we can still get a cake for my birthday?  I know Owen is hurt and I don't want you to have to focus on something else because we need to give him all the love.  But can I still have a cake?"

Brady sang her the song he wrote years ago.  The phrase about soon being in the first grade misted me up.  That night, we ordered hula pie for her birthday cake.

We hosted her party a couple days later.  It was based off her favorite movie, "Descendants."  First up, bobbing for apples.

Zac of course had to show us a messier way to get the apple.
We dyed hair to be like Evie and Mel.  Next, we split into Heros vs. Villains and did lots of "Minute to Win it" games.  It was a hit and the kids kept saying, "This is my favorite party ever!"  I love kids this age.  Everything is their favorite.

Hook hand for the Funyuns (and yikes, apparently her hair!):

Her friends are adorable and know her well!  She was gifted legos and craft sets.

Nothing about her shirt is true.  She is anything but rotten and brings loads of love to my life.
Wearing her birthday outfit at church the next day, excited that the primary kids would sing to her and testing it for twirls.

That night, we renewed our old tradition of watching AFV.  It's a good tradition for a rainy night with a broken baby.

Kate, we love you, we love you, we love you.  You are a gem and while I don't want you to grow up, I am also so excited to see the woman you become.


Unknown said...

Kate is such a sweetheart! So glad you have her and that she is ours!

Kevin Nufer said...

I love the pictures of her in her new shirt! And looks like some fun party ideas!