Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Michaelis Family Comes to Town

I've begged the Michaelis family to visit us since we first moved here.  It felt like Kathie and Lee adopted us when we first got married.  Kathie and my Aunt Teresa planned my bridal shower, Kathie made my wedding veil, she threw me a graduation party, and Lee and Kathie were always part of our life, especially in Utah.  They regularly invited us to dinners and we've since tried hard not to miss opportunities to see them when we visit the mainland.  We remember when Ethan was small enough to ask to be put to bed in a crib, holding Tyler as a baby, and playing dolls with Sarah in her purple bedroom.  Now their kids are so grown--three of them are adults--and it was fun getting so much time together to learn about their interests and plans.

They hiked the north shore and we met up with them later Wednesday night for swimming at Koloa Landing.  The next day, they did a kayak trip in the early am.  We met them at Waiohai that afternoon for snorkeling and clear, beautiful swimming.  I will never forget watching Kathie wrap Kate up in her arms and snorkel with her.  Snorkeling is not the easiest beach activity because I don't let my kids go out to the breaks alone, fearful of currents while they are focused on fish.  Since I have the baby, it has to be a Saturday activity so we just don't do it very often.  Kate loved it and it was sweet watching them wade around together, spotting different fish.

 Jacob and Sarah spent so much time focused on playing with Kate in the water.  Tyler and Zachary made friends digging up the beach and spotting crabs.

When helping put together itineraries, I always worry that what I like will not equate to what they like.  I was anxious about suggesting Polihale but they were enthusiastic in wanting to spend a chunk of time there.  I had sold the place with comments about shooting stars, waves, clear water and hot sunshine, so I hoped Polihale would perform.

We arrived early enough to set up camp and play in the water until the sun set.  The waves were perfect--not a lot of undertow but also not flat and boring.  The Michaelis kids claimed it was the best boogie boarding they've ever experienced.

Lee wins for best pictures in the waves.  He was a good sport even through his yucky cold.

I love this picture of Tyler and Zachary on a wave.
We did not realize this but it was Kathie and Lee's anniversary.  The timing was perfect--they stayed that night at their condo and we kept their kids camping.

We reluctantly left the water when the sun had been down for 30 minutes and headed up for hot dogs and s'mores.  I promise I brought fruits and veggies, too.  We settled in to watch for shooting stars, and were not disappointed.  I'll admit that I had some anxiety when I spotted the first two but Lee missed them because he was holding Owen.  I was so happy to hear the cheers when he saw his very first shooting star later that night.  Hours later, I woke up thinking maybe I needed to go to the ER, but that was late night sore throat talking.  Other than that and a cat making off with some food while we put the kids to bed, the night was without mishap.

The next morning, we all popped up early for blueberry pancakes and many, many more hours in the water.  Jacob took the foamie out and caught two waves on his own--not easy for a first timer or at Polihale with her unpredictable waves!

Zachary and Tyler were consumed with digging the largest possible hole they could in the hours we were there.

Kate loved having my cousins play with her in the waves.  They played "Pirates" with boogie boards and jumped over, under, and through waves again and again.

Meanwhile, the boys dug...

We packed up the car (much easier with three more adults!!), and hit our friend Justin's food truck for hot dog round 2.  Forehead slap.  They are at a big eater stage, so gigantic dogs topped with loads of pulled pork and spicy sauce seemed to do the trick.

Another Sunday morning, another sad Owen.  Owen does this hilarious tantrum thing when he cries--he covers his eyes with boys hands and lays down on the ground.  It's the most pathetic thing ever and makes me want to gather him in my arms and feed him chocolate chips until he smiles.

After church, they drove up the canyon and then came to our place for dinner.  What a fun role reversal, to finally feed their family after all the pies and fancy meals they served us over the years.  That night, Kathie presented me with a Hawaiian-themed quilt I will treasure forever.  She purchased the fabric for it 3.5 years ago and finished it just before the trip.

Hand-stitched with waves, ocean-colored back, and full of love.  Excuse the wrinkles: I've snuggled with it every night since.

Zachary and Tyler chased lizards around obsessively at the house.  Zac decided to pierce his ears.  EWWWWW.
 My kids loved playing Wacky 6 with the Ritchies and they were anxious to play again.
Monday, they did a catamaran and snorkeling on the north shore, and we did school and normal life.  The last day together, I picked up the kids early and did paddle boarding at Kalipaki.  The afternoon was gorgeous, with perfect sand conditions and quiet waters for the activity we planned.

Throughout their visit, I kept wondering what the secret is to helping your kids turn out so compassionate and aware.  Every time I turned around, they were playing with Kate, digging in the sand with Zachary, and giving Owen attention.  They were insistent on doing dishes, anxious to help pack up cars and carry heavy loads, and conscientious of emotions and needs around them.  It was so impressive.  I felt that way with the Ritchie's, too.  I hope my kids will be warm and kind and compassionate and pay forward the generous way they were treated.

Maybe my favorite picture of the trip:

We cleaned up at the house, I ran off to Koloa Elementary's Open House, and we all met at Keoki's that night for one last dinner.  Time goes so fast when family is here.  I love the one-on-one time we get with family, and I wish it happened more often.  We love you, Michaelis Family!


Kristen Nufer said...

That looks so fun! They are the best! I think your kids already pay it forward, they were very attentive to mine!

Unknown said...

Fun times! I'm glad they got to be with you!

Natalie and Steve said...

Those pictures are amazing! I think I need to take the time to camp on the beach sometime. Maybe when we visit. :D

I love when older kids/young adults come play with our littles. We went to a river to play and my visiting teacher's kids all played with my kids and they just loved it.