Friday, December 23, 2016

Family Pictures 2016

Family pictures are so fun!  I like them as much as going to the dentist!  Or losing sleep several days in a row.  Or finding a centipede in my house.

I get to shop for outfits that coordinate a little (but not too much) on an island with one store.  I get to order things online that don't arrive.  I get to watch the weather and hope the wind isn't gusty or the rain too heavy.  Not to mention the final hour when everyone is happy and no one is rushed while we get ready!


Then, I see these little treasures and I realize it was not all bad.  I wish I had worn real shoes (we thought all the pictures would be on the sand), and I wish that we were not all snotty, tired and sick.  It's easy to pick apart pictures but I know that in five years, I will think we look AMAZING.  Overall, I'm glad we have pictures and I'm happy we were able to support our friend's growing photography business.

 This one made it worth it for me.

 This picture is 100% Zachary: he's in a tree, he's smiling big, and his shoes are untied.
 Owen:  "I see a crab."

 Owen is watching the surfers.

 Another favorite:
 And another:

 Zac wins this session.  So many pictures to love.

 And this girl!  Her eyes.  She is a gem.

Christmas card shot, with Owen's tongue hanging out!
 Before the shoot, I told Brady I absolutely WOULD NOT hold hands and walk on the beach.
 My favorite family shot:

 Owen!  Sweet, sweet babe.

 This is the perfect Kate shot:

1 comment:

Kevin Nufer said...

Nice pictures! Your comment about how much you like taking them is hilarious. I think I am the limiting factor as far as time, I always get so frustrated when the kids won't listen.