Monday, June 06, 2016

A Happy Birthday

 All I wanted for my birthday this year was to hike.  Well, that's a lie.  I also want a mountain bike but we haven't done enough research yet so that will come later.  Maybe.

The weather wasn't perfect on my birthday, but you don't need perfect weather for hikes.  Our big concern is always the baby, so we picked what seemed like the safest bet on Pihea trail.  It was completely socked in, misty and muddy.  We wondered if it would be a disaster.  It turned out to be one of my favorite experiences ever hiking with our kids.  We made it just over 2 miles, but the mud and mist and tropical feel made it mystical and enchanting.

 At first, we were cautious with the mud, avoiding it at all costs.  By the mid point, we were all covered and it no longer mattered.
 Can't you just smell mud from this picture?

 My favorite parts of this picture are Owen's clean feet and Kate's pretend frown.

 Owen loves the pack.  He slept, giggled, and cooed.
 Kate had the time of her life jumping over puddles with Brady.

 Zachary enthusiastically led the way and talked our ears off.  I love this new phase where he has something to say all the time.  He was most excited about finding new ways around and through the mud, and often went through bad passes multiple times to test them out.  ("I'm doing a science experiment, Mom.")

 These pictures and those moments make me happy, happy, happy.

 Some "I'm hungry" tears.
 White hats are so dumb here.  I oxycleaned this bad boy and got it back to new.
 We had to turn around when it got steep and sketchy, since Owen is in a front carrier and a fall is bad news.  By the time we got back to the start of the trail, it cleared out a tiny bit and we had a few moments of sun.

 We've done this hike so many times but this time felt like a first.  It did take us just as long to clean up as it did to actually hike, which is not usually a ratio I favor, but hiking on my birthday was the best.  That night, we went to a new Thai restaurant, where Zac said it was his favorite food and made my heart proud.  Anytime something edges over corn dogs is a win.  Brady capped off the night with a lilikoi birthday pie.  Lovely day.


Natalie and Steve said...

I'm so glad your birthday was great!

Kristen said...

Those pictures of baby Owen are perfect! Love the b&w and the spiderweb! So glad you hiked for your bday.