Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fall Break 2015

Fall is my favorite season and I especially love fall in Utah.  I miss the canyons, crunchy leaves, live football games, and hot cocoa.  This year we opted to stick around Kauai rather than indulging in the "cheap" fares available this time of year.

Before break, Zachary had spirit week.  He participated in crazy hair day, career day (dressing up as a scientist), twin day, sports day (a soccer player), and mismatch day.  I am lame and only have a few pictures.

He also had his student of the month lunch and invited his buddy, David to join us.
 Soccer season ends in a week.  This season was a struggle for his little team, but it was fun to see Zachary improve and play with so much speed.
 Can't leave out Kate, who loves to accessorize and could not believe that fall break meant she had NO PRESCHOOL for 5 days.  This was not a reason to celebrate in her mind.

 We played with Nic and Heidi's kids on her birthday while they went to dinner.  I like this picture because it shows who wins the TV war when there's a game on.

A sweet picture of Kate with Tate at a soccer game.
 It's kind of mean to tell Zac we're hiking all afternoon after he plays his heart out on the field, but we do it anyway.  Last weekend, we loved our hike on the Canyon Trail.  The canyon is so green from all the rain, the temperatures were crisp, and it almost, almost felt like fall.  I even made myself some hot cocoa that night.

 The famous picnic table in the middle of the canyon.  I vividly remember feeding Zachary a bottle here so many years ago.

 Panoramic shot.
 I took this because she asked, "Mom, do you want to take a picture of me?"
I didn't take many pictures of our week's adventures, but we had a lovely day at Sheraton's beach with the Hadleys, some fun times at the pool, a special ballet class for Kate, and a few doctor appointments that I scheduled during school hours which turned out to be over break.  Grrr.  

Wednesday, we went on a hike up Sleeping Giant with Heidi and her kids.  We felt like super moms taking our kids hiking without husbands.  I had dreams for three nights afterwards that Zac walked off a cliff, even though there were no problems the whole day.  The vivid pregnancy nightmares have kicked in!

 Rope swing at the top!  We told Zachary that the Giant (aka mountain) could wake up.  He was a little jittery even though he claims he didn't believe us at all.
 This is the post of adorable Kate/Tate pics.

 A man at the tope offered to take our picture.  I love the getting-ready shots.

 10 days ago, we told Zachary we'd order pizza and watch Harry Potter if he read book #1.  I read it along with him independently and loved chatting it up with him.  So fun to explore Harry Potter magic in October!
 Painting pumpkins in PJs:

 Thursday, we went to Baby Beach at the request of the kids.  Zac said he didn't want to be there without friends but then begged to stay hours later.  He loves the sand as much as he loves the waves, and it reminds me that Kauai is a fabulous place for kids.
When we asked the kids what they wanted to do over break, they said, "Go to Utah!"  When we said no, their next response was to play mini golf.  Like bowling, I think I hate mini golf but it was pretty cute.  Brady took the day off and we played on the north shore before heading to Hanalei with several other families.

 It was a rainy, chilly day at Hanalei, but when you are with friends, beach endurance skyrockets and it's not hard at all to enjoy 4 or 5 hours of wet conditions.

 My favorite part of the day was watching the boys play football in the sand.  The girls would play, too, but they are little and there's not many of them!  My second favorite part of the day was watching Brady catch waves on the paddle board.

 Saturday, we watched Zac play soccer, watched too much football, made it to the pool with the kids, and then out to dinner.  4 weeks ago, I posted a pic on Instagram of my 24 week belly.  Here I am in the same outfit, bulging out quite a bit more.  People no longer ask when I'm due.  They've changed to, "How much longer?"  It's a subtle yet obvious difference.  Baby Owen wakes me up every night with his soccer moves but I'm still feeling good!

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