Sunday, March 01, 2015

It's February 28th

Or it was when I first started this blog post.  I didn't want a whole month to go by without a post.  Then, Brady convinced me to leave the computer and watch the BYU v. Gonzaga game.  Totally worth it.

I am pretty convinced that Brady stopped taking pictures on the camera deliberately in protest.  He is ready for his new camera and boycotting the old.  So, 95% of these pictures are from my phone.

 The last month and a half has looked mostly like this:
It's been all drugs, doctor appointments, surgery and waiting.  IVF is intense for me but I think it's even more intense for my family.  The kids have been shuffled around like crazy, Brady has reworked his schedule many times to cover unexpected situations, and friends have stepped in and acted as family.  We have had so much help and my heart is full of gratitude.  

 We've also done preschool.  I'm loving this co-op.  This group of kids is really easy.  Every time I teach, I think it's possible I missed my calling in life.  The age 3-4 is innocence, enthusiasm and discovery and it's inspiring.  It's also tiring, but not too bad in 2 hour chunks.

 New Year's Celebrations:
 We did make it to the beach a bunch of times.  Kate and Jack at Sheratons:

 The boys in the green.
 Zachary doing tricks.

 People on the beach can't resist watching these kids together and I think it's easy to see why.  Seriously, how adorable is it watching them anticipate waves and then getting pulled in?

 We started a playgroup on Wednesday mornings, too.  We get anywhere from 4 of us to 12.  I love connecting with other moms and watch Kate interact with kids she's not always around.  (I say this as I post of picture of her with friends she is always around...)
 Another preschool on the arctic:

 The kids loved making the jello but not one of them thought it tasted good.
 We did so much baseball.  So.  Much.  Baseball.  We've been at baseball 5-6 days a week since October.  I'm not saying we won't do it again, but I am saying we won't do two seasons of baseball in a row again.  Zac improved a lot over the course of the season.  He practices his swings 20 times an hour and says baseball is "his favorite sport in the whole world."  Hearing that makes the 45 minute drives to Kekaha for some games worth it.

Kate and Ava kept themselves entertained through many practices and games.
Kate is completely done with naps, and now does quiet time like Zac on Sundays.  Usually that means paper airplanes.  The kids build them and then add some colorful pizazz to "make them faster."  Zac's have been crazy fast.  Kate also says hers is fast, but I'm not sure I'd test hers over the Pacific:
 I was put in charge of an Enrichment activity at church on relationships.  It went well and we had some fun doing inventories and listening to presentations.
 I'm also really into the Farmer's Market on Mondays.  I love it when we have a variety of local fruits in the house.  As long as we live here, most of our shopping will be at Costco (or the new Safeway coming to Lihue!), but oh, I love getting food from the source.
 Kate is Miss Independence.  She wakes up, eats her food and goes directly to the craft closet to start making art.  She can't reach anything, but doesn't ask for help with that, either.  Instead, she pulls up a chair from the den, climbs up and retrieves anything she needs.
 Another Wednesday, another playgroup.

 You have to know that my heart soars to see this:
 I haven't learned to take a proper selfie (DUH!  Flip the camera on the phone, girl), but I did do a lot of shopping in Oahu waiting for my flights.
 Zachary earned Student of the Month!  Brady and I both attended a school-wide assembly honoring him and the other kids (one per class) selected.  Kate and I made a fruit snack lei to give him as his name was called.  This monththe selection criteria was based on critical thinking and problem solving, as well as general classroom contributions.  Zac came up and tried not to smile as Kate gave him a huge hug and the lei.  It was so adorable.  When he came off the stage afterwards, he said, "MOM!  I didn't see you but I JUST KNEW IT WAS ME when Mr. Hasagawa was reading.  Mom, I heard his words and I thought, 'THAT'S ME!  I DO THAT!'"  Cutest thing ever.  Seriously.  He is such a good kid.  

 Zachary and his teacher, Mrs. Yamada:
 Side note: watching him with his friends is delightful. He is so friendly and warm and kind.  I love watching him when he doesn't know I'm watching him.  Here's a pic of him with some of his besties.  Notice the sign above and the expressions they are wearing.  Perfect!!
 Kate needed a picture with one of her besties, too:
 Another day, another baseball practice with Kate playing at the park:
 Another day, another Oahu appointment.  The best part of Oahu is the food:
 We have obviously not told our kids we are trying to have another baby.  There is no reason to set them up for disappointment and we certainly don't want them asking constantly.  However, the meds made my bloating very noticeable.  I easily looked several months pregnant, and it felt like every hour that passed, it was worse.  My pants didn't fit very well, which is hysterical considering they were pretty loose a week before.

On two separate occasions one day, the kids asked me about it.  

Zac, looking at my tummy:  "Mom, are you having a baby?!?  I know I'm not supposed to say people look funny but you look like there is a baby in there."

Kate's comment at a completely different time: "Mom, is there a baby in your tummy?  If there is, can you make it a girl?……..Or a boy?!?"   

Yes, darlin, if I make a baby, I assure you it will be a girl.  Or a boy.

Here's the picture below to prove it.  If you are uncomfortable looking at this, let me assure you that I was way more uncomfortable.  Even my back hurt.  You know what is impressive, though, at least for wimpy me?  I gave myself injections 4 times a day for a week when I stayed in Oahu before surgery.  That is something I didn't think I was capable of (or at least didn't want to consider being capable of).  Turns out there is nothing to it.
My egg retrieval surgery was on Friday, Feb 6.  I had the week charted out with many friends shuttling my kids around, tending them, picking up Zac from school, Brady getting him to practice, etc.  It was detailed down to the hour.  Then, Kate threw up on my friend's kitchen table on day 1 of 5.  My sweet friends, sweet husband and sweet kids conspired to keep it a secret from me so I wouldn't stress, and meanwhile Brady scrambled to work from home during a very busy week at work.  They finally told me a couple days in, and all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.  Of course this happens when I am completely helpless!  The whole situation made me even more grateful to friends who assured me that it was not a big deal (we all know puking is a big deal), and a husband who doesn't panic.

I'm trying harder with Kate's hair.
 We are taking regular advantage of the neighborhood.

 Zachary is in a little group of boys that meet together every Friday for "Boys Club."  Typically a few of the sisters are involved, too.  They are wild and loud and sometimes obnoxious, but completely fun boys.

 Brady's undertaken a bunch of punch list items around the house.  I love it when he has Zachary come help with the projects.
 Valentine's Day was the sweetest thing ever.  Zac walked in the door and gave Kate a single rose, and suddenly it was my favorite VDay.

 I wasn't allowed to get in the water for a couple weeks, and Megan willingly took on swim duty with Kate.  This was a major act of love from my friend who generally dislikes getting in the ocean.

 Impromptu baseball game on the green:
 We paddle boarded a couple weekends ago.  Kate and I were out far (around the crest on the far left), and watched a whale breach again and again and again.  We had the scene completely to ourselves.  Spectacular.
 We had kid time in the sand, too, and this nice auntie showed Zac how to make drip castles.  He's been begging to go back to Kalipaki ever since.

 I feel really bad that this is the one of the only pics of Brady in the entire post:
 Zac willingly went out paddle boarding, too.

Kate decided one morning when preschool was canceled that she wanted to hike again.  It was chilly in the house, so she dressed in long clothes.  It was cooking on the trail!  She went shirtless for more than 50% of the hike.  I love hiking with her because it convinces me that going slow and noticing the details around you can be joyful.  I like fast paced, and she teaches me to take it all in, finding sea shells for my necklace, swinging from every branch, getting her feet wet in the water, and tide pooling.
 She thinks that stumps and hills are "obstacle courses."

 I adore this picture.

 Baseball is over but club soccer has begun!  Zac's coach decided he's the best goalie on the team so that's where he's been stationed.  He has a pretty good kick and doesn't scare easily.  I do feel myself freaking out every time the ball gets close to him, but he can usually stop it.  I'm hoping they will rotate him into the game more.  He has a lot of opportunities to get the ball at goal, but I hope he gets to play other positions as well.
 Look hard: here he is drop kicking the ball.

A quick trip to Waiohai:

In most recent news, our friends from college came to visit for a few days.  When we knew them at school, they had one kid and now Travis and Jamie are the parents to four boys and one girl.  They are living in New Mexico where he works as a dentist.  We loved chatting with them at night, and especially our night out with them.  The kids asked every day if our "visitors" were going to play with them.  It's so cute how much they love company.
Oh, one more excuse for my lack of blogging!  Our year and a half old Mac crashed on us a couple weeks ago.  The hard drive was replaced, but I now believe Apple has some things to prove.


Kristen said...

Rachel just spend her Saturday morning reading your blog.

Love Kate's hair braid. Love that Zac loves to play ball, and that baseball love will continue in the Edwards family. I'm impressed you do preschool so well.

Wish I could babysit your kids,or hang out in Oahu.

Kristen said...

And, I love the colors of your house.