Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Post-Alaska: Scott and Maycee Visit, My "New Mom Life" Starts

After such an awesome trip, it is hard to come back to reality.  We didn't have to come all the way back to reality, though, because Scott and Maycee came to visit a few days later.  They caught a few sunsets, got really sunburnt, camped with us at Polihale, boogie boarded, snorkeled, played with our kiddos, and relaxed before heading back to school.

Polihale camping and boogie boarding:

 Their trip corresponded with the Saturday of Brady's company party.  They joined us for tubing, Scotties BBQ, and Paddle Boarding all afternoon.

 They both did well paddle boarding.  I wish they had tried this on the ocean because it is so much more fun, but on the river is good, too!

 I had my first ever go at wake boarding.  Now, I just wish someone would buy a boat out here!  I loved it, although I don't think I fared so well!!
 Another sunset at The Point (behind our house):
Thanks for getting a little family shot for us, too!

My favorite shot of Zac and Kate from the last little bit:

Throwing rocks and watching big waves crash.  I think it is cute that Kate has to mimic me and do exactly what I am doing.  Here she is, hands in her lap and sitting next to me on a rock.
While on vacation, my "new mom life" started.  Zac is now in school 5 days a week and has soccer 3 days a week.  I finally get it why moms with kids in school say they are busy.  It is busier, even though I am without my sweet boy for several hours a day.  All the back and forth (the school is 20 min away), organization and schedule change add to a much more hectic afternoon.  (And why-oh-why is it so hard to get to soccer practice on time???) 

We still get our pool time, though.  Here is Z after sun-screening himself:
Cannon ball!

Zac and his favorite gal pal, Olivia.  (Side note: we just found out they are moving to the mainland in a month.  Zac is going to be so sad to lose yet another one of his best buddies!)

Here is Zachary at his first soccer game.  Much to our chagrin, his team is named the "Dragonflies."  The last ref kept calling us the "Green Dragons," and Brady and I are on a personal mission to make the team name a little tougher and keep the Green Dragons around!

No surprise here:  Zac is a tough little player and very involved in every play on the field.  His first game, he scored 2 goals.  Last Saturday, he took the ball the entire way down the field and scored twice.  Not bad, kiddo!  He is also one of the youngest players.  He is playing in the U6 league.  I coach his team one practice a week (which is nuts because Kate is on my hip the entire time...)
He still has plenty to work on, but soccer is FUN!  We plan to keep this sport around in our family. 

Kate has to join in on the soccer craze around here, so we got her a tiny, size 1 soccer ball.  She dribbles this thing around everywhere.
It is more accurate to say she carries it around everywhere.
Like her little whale spout?  I know, there are only about 5 hairs coming out of that ponytail holder!

She and I are little pals all day long now, although the transition from 2 naps to 1 hasn't been easy!  She still charms the whole neighborhood on our morning walks with her cheesy grin, squeaky "hi", and wave.  She misses her brother at school and it is so cute to see them play together in the afternoon.


Kevin Nufer said...

Awesome to have Scott and Maycee around, you guys are just the fun post-wedding hangout!

I can't believe how big Kate is! Walking around, has some hair... What a cutie!

Soccer is so fun! I'm glad you guys are doing that. That was a fun time of my life, and Zac is cute and tough.

Natalie and Steve said...

So cute! I want to put Josh in soccer next summer, but we're not sure he'll be quite old enough.

Kate has more hair than Kels--I keep trying, but my efforts to get her hair up in a tiny hair tie are laughable.

Leslie said...

Love the soccer! Fun pictures!