Sunday, April 15, 2012


We kicked off Easter weekend with a bike outing on the Kapa'a bike trail. I love that path because you basically taste the ocean the entire way. Zachary whipped around on his bike for nearly an hour, and when he was bright red and exhausted, hopped in the trailer with Kate. What a darling picture, and I wish we had captured it. It was our first time using a bike trailer, and it won't be the last.

We prepped our Easter eggs that night. Zac was so excited all night, and it was infectious.

The Easter Bunny hopped its way across the ocean.

"Look at the camera, guys, and say cheese!"

Getting all the Easter stuff prepped, the kids dressed, and us dressed in time to take pictures was a major undertaking. How do people do it with more kids? I mean, we do the Sunday prep thing every week, but for some reason, it is so much harder with the "gotta get a picture" deadline looming.

It did not start out well for Kate, and we thought we had a 2011 repeat coming up.
But a few candy-filled eggs will dry those tears, right little one?

Compare last year... this year.
Heidi bought Kate this dress and made her the darling bow to match.

Beep, beep! Gotta get to church.
That night, we had the Hadleys and Petersons over for dinner, a walk in the rain, and the annual Easter Egg Derby. It took me 2 tries, but I finally got my bread roll dough to rise. Ironic, considering the holiday ("He has risen!"). The boys ran around like crazy, we ate yummy strawberry trifle, and Chad took the crown with his undecorated beast.


Eric and Jill said...

Awwww, Zac & Kate are such a sweet pair!

Kevin Nufer said...

I love that first picture of Kate with her tongue sticking out! I can't believe how big Kate is! We're really excited to see you guys later this week.

Ryan Edwards said...

Love the comparison from last years Easter pics to this years. My how they grow up fast! It's also not fair that your little Kate is more tan than any of us here :) Love the post!
