Wednesday, September 14, 2011

End of Summer

How has Labor Day already come and gone? Summer is over! Of course, that means something different here. In Kauai, you know it's fall when the trade winds stop and you sweat more--lots more. If I could have A/C for only 2 months of the year, it would be September and October.

End of summer means the start of Co-op Preschool for Zachary. Here he is on Day 1 at our house with his four preschool buddies.
Kate is 6 months old in about a week. I can't believe it. Zac's friend Will (see picture above) told me that she "still doesn't look like a girl," so I have amp-ted up the bows. She is getting great at grabbing items, definitely knows her mommy and daddy (and big brother), and is officially sleep trained.

This picture was cuter in my head, but I still like it. I wanted to get her toes a little more clear in the background.
Brady's work hosted a camp-out this year in Koke'e (the "mountains" here). It was nice to have chilly weather for a camp-out, and the scenery was gorgeous. It did put me over the edge with Kate and camp-outs, though. We've been camping 4 times since she was born, and all with the same no-sleep result. We're done for a few months!

"Hi, I had a GREAT time getting rocked and cuddled by Mommy and Daddy all night long."

We had to convince Zachary to take a hike with us and leave his friends behind for a little while. He was not happy about it. After we got started, he loved it. As soon as we were finished he asked to go again.

This was the greatest weekend for Zachary. He played non-stop, enjoyed creating this cereal necklace, and played in mounds of dirt for hours.

There were quite a few games planned. I got called to do the Vaseline/cotton ball game, and this is me realizing that Genevieve creamed me.

Jeff took pics of the event, and I don't see one of Brady in his game.
Zac in the kid relay:
The end of summer also ushered in a big swell. I love the south swells because it sounds like the ocean is just outside our windows at night.

Kate officially eats better than her older brother. All of her food with no battles!
She's also ready for sleeping by 6:30pm every night. It's weird to have my nights back.
This is proof that I also take pictures of my son. Most of the pics, however, look like this:
Although occasionally he doesn't pull a face.
Uncle Doug, Aunt Teresa, and their daughter Holly came out to visit this past weekend. We had a few beautiful beach days with them. Holly will be attending BYU-H, so we hope to see her again soon. We forgot our camera, but Doug snagged a couple shots of us boogie boarding at Kealia.

Look close: this has to be one of the silliest pics of us together.

Zac fell in love with our visitors as he always does! Holly was awesome to play with him in the sand.
We also enjoyed a gorgeous day at Polihale on Labor Day, a few surf outings, and plenty of trips to the pool. Our big news is that Zachary is officially swimming in the ocean now! He's been nervous since about age 2, and stayed mostly away from ocean water (but not sand!). He's suddenly jumping through waves and dipping his head under like it's no biggie. A little peer pressure goes a long with this kiddo!

Enjoy your fall leaves and crisp temps. This is the season I miss the most.


Natalie and Steve said...

Oh I want to snuggle Kate so much! She is so beautiful!

Your comment about amping up the bows sounds familiar. Kelsey looks so much like Josh that unless she is really in a LOT of pink or has a bow on her head, she makes me think I've got Joshua in my arms.

At least Zac smiles for the camera, I get a grumpy Joshua-face every time I pull the camera out.

Kristen Nufer said...

I love that second picture of Kate with her mouth open wide! She is such a cute baby!

Kristen said...

You probably really miss BYU football too...or not...Love the pictures of Kate, her blue eyes match the ocean.

Heather said...

Yeah for sleeping through the night!! I wish I could say the same for Lyla. Blah.
How does co op preschool work? Do you like it?
And we are still waiting for Fall in Northern CA. In fact I looked at my weather channel app and it's suppose to be in the low to mid 90's this week. Yuck.

Leslie said...

I love, love, love the pictures!!

Eric and Jill said...

Aw, great post. I do remember it being HOT when we were visitng but strangely came home to unusually hot temps in cincy! Kate is getting so expressive in pics. And i thought Leo had the bluest eyes i'd ever seen.

Kevin Nufer said...

Kate is a doll! And Zac looks like a fun kiddo. We're excited to come out and see you guys next week!

Julie said...

Oh my heart! SUCH cute pics! Its been far too long since I've stalked your blog!

Katie said...

What a cute family! So fun to browse your blog and get caught up. You guys are living in paradise! :)