Friday, August 05, 2011

Losing It

Three weeks ago, I called up Brady and told him that I was going to lose it if we didn't paint our awful walls. The very next day, we started the project, and the last pieces of artwork went onto our beautiful walls just yesterday. While I am not a fan of improving our landlord's house for free and losing 3 weekends, I do think it was worth it. Brady was gracious and took on the "honey do list" without complaint. Watching him paint reminded me of our Colony days.
I also lost my braces. Here's the last pic of me with them. Without the braces, I also lost some of my youthful look. I now look like I'm almost 30 rather than 19.
You might think Kate is losing her hair, but she's never grown any so no. She's plunged down to the 40 percentile, so she's lost a little on the growth charts. She is the happiest baby I've ever known and totally content to watch Zachary during the day. She's also very patient with him as he dresses her up. Lately, his favorite thing is to put the lid of a contact case on her nose and tell me she is a clown.

I know that she looks more like Brady, but don't you see some of me in this pic?
Zachary lost his life jacket the day he started swim lessons! He can now swim across the pool (by that I mean mostly doggie paddle, but face down). This is him with his teacher.

One week into swim lessons, we were at the pool practicing his new skills. He slipped on the pool's siding and came down on his chin. It bled a bit, but it stopped and he was anxious to get back to swimming. I checked on the wound, and thought maybe it was deep enough to be worried. I called Brady, who left work and then promptly took him to urgent care. It turned out he needed glue and butterfly bandages. He was a brave kiddo and rewarded with his first ice cream from McD's.
One of Kate's first times in the water.

Since the painting, we've lost time to get out as a family. Instead, we've taken a few separate adventures. We each get an hour to go do whatever we want. Yeah, I know. We sound like one of those couples that ends up vacationing separately in another year, but it has worked out the past couple weeks and helped scratch an itch. We've also still taken the kids to the pool for their entertainment, so we're not that selfish. Here's a couple pics from Brady's biking to Horseshoe Beach. We want to take Karen and Ryan there sometime in the next two weeks (they arrive today!).


Kristen Nufer said...

Cute pictures! Kate is cute with or without hair! Allison doesn't have much hair either.

Maybe you will at least get some brownie points with the landlord!

Natalie and Steve said...

Josh comes up to me while I'm looking at your pictures and he goes "Selsey!" I had to say "No, that's actually Kate!"

After that, he walked around the house for about an hour going "Kate. Kate. Kate". It was cute.

So yes. There is definitely Karen in that baby of yours.

Kristen Nufer said...

Brady, you're the man. No hesitation at all! I think I'd be a little overwhelmed to start painting that quickly, and would need a few weeks to warm up to the idea!

Cute pics!

Heather said...

great pictures! Lyla is the same way with her hair. Up close you can see she has some but from further away you're like is there even any? All in good time.
Why are you painting for free?

Eric and Jill said...

Where's your "after" braces pic? And I want to see the paint colors you chose! AND go Zac in the water! I'm so proud of him for swimming so well! I hope his chin is healing up nicely. ;)

Eric and Jill said...

OH and another thing, be glad Kate doesn't have any hair. Maybe you'll save $ on future haircuts. Leo has had four since the age of one and looks like he needs another one already (last one in July)....I need to learn how to cut his hair! I can definitely see you in Kate! Everyone said Leo looked like me, but he's looking more like Eric lately!

Suburban Monkey said...

Kate absolutely looks like you Karen!! She is beautiful, just like her mommy.

Wendi said...

Kate is so cute! I love your pictures and have to say I'm so proud of Brady for painting. Those pink walls in the one bedroom drove me crazy!!!