Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oregon Trip, Part 1

Yep, look twice: that's TERRIS! Aaron and Julie were gracious hosts and had us stay at their place for 3.5 days at the beginning of our Oregon trip. They actually live in Washington, but only about 50 minutes north of Portland. They took Terris when we moved to California in '06, and she's had a great doggie life with them.
Our first outing was the Portland Zoo. This was actually Zac's second zoo experience this month, but because I'm getting a little lazy on the blog entries, I still have the pics sitting in a folder. He loved seeing the animals, especially with Trey and Audrey.

I showed him these pictures tonight, and he pointed to the one above and said, "DOGGIE!" Oops, not quite, kiddo.

Zachary was pretty wasted from our 1:30am bedtime the night before, and of course the long plane ride over. We told him we would take him on a choo-choo train before we got to the zoo, but once we were on it, we wondered if another day might have been better...

He perked right up after a few minutes, though, and spent the rest of the trip asking to go on the "choo-choo rain" again.

Beautiful, green Oregon:All weekend, Zac followed Miss Audrey around, played with her toys, and gave her hugs and kisses.
Saturday morning, Aaron took Brady into the mountains at 4:30am. They spent the morning fishing, and we met them a few (um....quite a few) hours later to see waterfalls, drive through the woods, take some short hikes, and share a picnic lunch. It was beautiful, crisp, and a refreshing change from our scenary.
We hiked down to these falls and stepped into the chilly water. This was Zac's instant reaction, which did not stop until he was completely dry.
Aaron's kids, on the other hand, were not cold-water wimps.
Waterfall #2:
Afterwards, we drove for the lookout over Mt. St. Helens. It's 1980 eruption was the "deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in the history of the United States," with 57 dead and 185 miles of highway destroyed. (Courtesy Wikipedia) It was active again in the last few years, but has since calmed down and visitors are allowed. Aaron and Julie actually hiked to the rim. Awesome.
Sunday, we enjoyed a morning stroll by their beautiful lake. Brady said it felt like old times walking "his" dog.
Aaron and Julie were perfect hosts: feeding us yummy meals (salmon and fresh grilled veggies, Cafe Rio salad, and an unbelievable fresh blueberry pie!), driving us everywhere, and even arranging babysitting for a night out. We only wished Roni and Coleman were around for our game night. Next time!


NW Varneys said...

Well, I guess we were a little off in our estimate of how many lives the eruption took.....oops.

And I feel everyone should know that our daughter does not usually run around in public in her undies. She fell in the water and this was the best option until we got out again. Plus we like to pretend we are rednecks to embarrass K/B. ;)

Terris misses you Brady! Thanks for coming--we had a great time, too!

Heather said...

Maybe Matthew and I will have to make a trip to Oregon. Everyone who goes there has the best pictures and it looks like so much fun. I've only been to the boring parts.

~~Heidi~~ said...

Looks like fun... the last picture brings to mind these words... (My dog Spot)

Brady and Karen said...

It's "My Dog SKIP," and you would know that if you finished the movie. ;)

Julie said...

Great pictures! You guys rock.

Roni, Coleman, Makadie and Anika said...

We sure wish we could have been there! If you ever come this way we are pretty good hosts of Denver and the amazing Rocky Mountain National Park--we even listen to John Denver when we are driving over the top--and you see why you get the 'high'. Love and miss you guys--hope the next VEM reunion is soon!

Unknown said...

Wow, Terris! A dog I never thought I'd hear from again. Brings back old memories, doesn't it?

The other Oregon stuff looks cool too.

Leslie said...

Seeing Terris brought a lump to my throat. (I know, I know, you always thought I was not an animal lover...) Then, seeing Brady walking Terris, I actually got tears in my eyes. You guys sure loved having your dog!

Eric and Jill said...

I'm with your mom, seeing Terris again was awesome. I'm so behind on your blog! You guys are super cute, and I always love your pics.

Brady and Karen said...

Yeah, it was cute to see Terris. I feel bad because I didn't feel attachment to her when we saw her. Brady sure did, though. I was excited though, especially when I saw how much Aaron and Julie's love her.

Honestly, if I didn't have a little boy obsessed with "doggies," I would probably never do the dog thing again--or any other pet. So, Mom, I hear you on your pet aversion.

Jenni said...

Such a cute family.