Sunday, February 21, 2010

Remember When...

...I went with Zac to Ohio for Christmas? This is way overdue, but here were some of the Ohio highlights. The pictures were sent over email (I was the worst at camera work while we were there), and then minimized, so they are pretty small!

Meeting Mr. Leo for the first time! Zac and I both caught a cold/flu, so we couldn't hold him and squeeze his cheeks, but we were able to eat lunch and say hello. 14 years and counting! Love you, Jillian!

Zac kept saying "bee bee" to Leo.
I also met Christina's little Graham. What a handsome fellow! Again, no pics!!
Zachary also drove my siblings crazy, at first. He eventually won them (partially) over, but more than once I heard, "I don't really like Zachary." HAHA! The honesty of children. You just can't take that stuff seriously!
I can't imagine why they didn't appreciate him...getting crawled on all week...Mom cooked us all sorts of goodies.
I can't believe this girl used to be my 4 year old darling.
Eric getting gussied up for the New Year's Dance.
Beautiful Mindy Sue.We played plenty of Around-the-World ping pong.
Kristen made Zac whole wheat pancakes, and he literally ate 6 in a row, even after cereal. Wow.
My mom thought it was hilarious that Zachary wanted to lay down on the weights.
We also experienced snow the first day we were there. Zachary HATED his coat (which I think is just about worth moving to the cold over, it's that cute). He threw a full-out tantrum the first four times he had to put it on.
He clearly doesn't know what he thinks about sledding. Notice his gigantic socks--Mom saved me by loaning them out, as Zac refused to wear boots (and mittens and a hat...I know, I'm a pushover!).
Another view of the socks, and Kristen, who Zac just loves. Talk about a girl who just immerses herself in family: she doesn't love sledding, but came along to be with the fam, and ended up freezing her tail off and not complaining for a minute.
I almost ran over a kid on the way down.
After a couple of runs, Zachary had enough, and sat in the car. Just like at the park, he kept kissing me through the window.
We also went bowling. I bowled a 61. I would like to say that's because I had Zac helping, but truthfully, I probably threw more gutter balls than he did.
Thankfully, 7 weeks later, the memories of the horrid flight home are getting fuzzy. I still claim that I will not go that far again without Brady, but I've said that before. We'll see. See you in ___ year(s), Ohio.


Heather said...

We are bowling twins! Ugh I am SO bad at it. I think I rarely break 45. Zac is so lucky to be able to visit so many climates! Balmy breezes and snow, ahhh..,

Ryan and Christina said...

The socks are hilarious!! Yes, he wasn't very happy about the cold weather.
We should have taken pictures!! I think we were both so busy with the boys!
Love you :)

Julie said...

I can't believe how fast time flies... your sibblings are so grown up! I about flipped yesterday when I found out Sylvi was taking drivers ed... when did we get so old?!

Barbie Mills said...

Remember when we used to braid our hair at night in 6th grade and then frizz it out, and Jillian thought it was weird? She was right. I'm glad she was able to get past that and be such a great friend anyway. =)

Somewhere around the same time you went bowling with my family, and hadn't been before. You asked, "How do you play bowling?" and proceeded to get a strike on your first try.

Sounds like a great trip.

Eric and Jill said...

Aw shucks, Barbie! That's funny! I remember loving 6th grade recess - shooting hoops with you and Karen is a great memory for me.

Karen - I'm a little dismayed that you reduced Ohio to thumbnails! :( I've never met a true beach baby before and Zac sure fits the bill -it cracks me up!!! I love the pic of him kissing you through the window.

P.S. I haven't visited my blog in ages. I'm going to make a new one with Em. It's coming!

Brady and Karen said...

Don't be dismayed! The pictures are in files that are hard for me to work with, and I minimized them too much. To go back and redo it would take another hour, and...well...girl, you haven't blogged in ages so you definitely can't complain!!!

I actually remember shooting hoops! Shocking, I know.