Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bye-Bye Bee-Bee

Zachary turned two last week. He's been walking around the house repeating me when I say, "two," in addition to repeating most words on request. His vocab exploded two weeks before his doctor's appointment, so I no longer have to walk into her office tomorrow with a concerned look on my face and a short list of words he can say!

First word of the day: "Pancake." We discovered Zac's love for pancakes after our visit to Ohio (post coming soon pending pics from the Nufer camera). Kristen N. made a bunch, and Zac devoured 6 or more in one sitting. For my non-eater of anything outside the cereal-milk-apple category, that was huge. We made Mom E's special orange syrup...yummy.
Second word of the day: "Pesants."
Third word of the day: "Ball...ball...ball...ball..." Brady got home a little early so we could play t-ball in daylight. We put it up inside first, all the while to Zac's "ball" chants.
This is how it's done, son:
Unfortunately, Zac prefers to hit with the handle.
Brady corrected him over and over again, but before he would actually hit, Zac turned the bat around to the handle more or less every single time.
Zac actually preferred fielding.
...Until Brady's hit bounced off the concrete and hit him directly on the forehead.
Fourth word of the day: "Sorry." Fifth word of the day: "Sexy." Wait, we definitely aren't teaching Zac to say "sexy." Zac's other big present was an indoor tent/tube playhouse. When I purchased it, I was under the impression it was very easy to fold up and store. Not so! It's temporary residence is now the guest bedroom, until I decide to put it all away for a few months. It's probably not a purchase I would make again, although Zac thinks it's the coolest thing ever.

Yes, we still strip our son down for dinner...maybe by age 3 we'll be over that!

Sixth word of the day: "Cake." Zac helped me mix up, bake, frost and sprinkle the cake. He watched it all day long, pointing and asking for a piece.
Add sugar to the list of things my child will eat.
Seventh word of the day: "Bath." Zac loves to say, "Bye-bye" and blow a kiss to everyone he sees (even to me when I'm not leaving). At the end of the day, I realized I was officially saying "bye-bye" to my baby (pronounced by Zachary as "bee bee"). You can't call a 2-year-old a baby, so darling, you are officially a little boy.
Zachary's understanding of present-occasions is now completely warped. We had the 12 Days of Christmas from Brady's parents, then Christmas Day, followed by opening presents at the Nufers, then Zac's birthday, and then a few presents after Zac's birthday. One of our favorites is his new swimsuit, from Mom and Dad E.The final birthday celebration was yesterday at playgroup. Zac blew out his candles one more time, to the envy of all the kiddos there. (I was tempted to put a candle on every cupcake, except it was windy and never would have worked out.)
Pretty sure the wind blew out the candle, but we let Zac believe it was his massive lungs.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Zachary! It's sure been a good 2 years for us.


Heather said...

Happy Birthday Zach! And 2 birthday parties!!

Natalie and Steve said...

Ah, look at all those kids looking longingly at Zac blowing out that candle! So cute!

If you can get the pictures from mom and dad from Christmas, let me know. I've having trouble getting a response.

I love that orange syrup! I seriously saw it and almost started drooling here on campus!

Kristen said...

I am guessing it is your flash in the birthday cake picture that makes it awesome. If it is, I want one. Awesome recap of the day! Happy Birthday Zac!

Barbie Mills said...

Happy birthday!

I'm glad my child isn't the only picky eater out there. She basically only eats crackers, yogurt, and apples.

Scott and Natalie said...

I'm glad you are teaching him the "true and living" sport. Way to go with the baseball practice!

Julie said...

Cute, cute pictures!

In our house (the Baker one, that is) on each birthday, mom used to light the candles about 5 or 6 times, so that each little kid had a turn to blow out the candles (after all, once a year is NEVER enough!) By the time we actually got to the cake EATING par, not only were there lovely pools of multi-colored wax all over the cake, but we were also treated to a plethora of spit samples from each Baker sibbling! Yum! Nothing like eating your little brother's spit for dessert, eh?!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Zac! He continues to be a cute kid.

Kristen Nufer said...

Those are great pictures! The picture of crying Zac is really cute (although sad). p.s. I love your commentary Karen.

Travis and Jamie said...

What a cutie! Xander has that same t-ball set and LOVES it.

Dean and Lana Edwards said...

Happy Birthday Zach. We love you and it looks like you had two great parties. Pretty inpressive background for a birthday party in January. Keep practicing on that baseball swing. Your Uncle Scott used to have to shovel off the snow on the baseball diamond in Heber to play when he was in high school.