Sunday, December 13, 2009

Give Thanks

This year was a monumental Thanksgiving year. We hosted for the first time ever, meaning we were in charge of the turkey. We decided to do it imu-style, and prepped it with ti leaves and Hawaiian sea salt. We dropped it off at the imu, and we were excited to taste it Thanksgiving morning.
Unfortunately, the evening brought downpores, and the imu didn't quite work out. Thankfully we had the extra three hours to cook the turkey in the oven before our guests arrived. The turkey tasted fine, but it wasn't dripping-off-the-bone good. We'll try again next year.Everyone showed up with their dishes, and we had a yummy meal. We had the Giles, Atkins, Ellis, and Clark families over.

We gabbed and watched football all afternoon.
Everyone made Indian hats with names. I don't think this group appreciated the hat-making like the Edwards family...but they humored us and even posed for pics.
1 year old Shay with Heidi--precious little gal!
Zac's picture face:
The day got pretty (although still chilly enough to keep us out of the ocean).
Brand-new baby Macy was the center of attention.
The north shore suffered from the storms--bridges and roads were closed, the ocean was dirty brown, and my surfing hopes for the weekend were thus shot. We made the best of it at Brennecke's the next day.
Zac's sand-stick:

Saturday finished off the weekend with gorgeous bike rides and a win in overtime over Utah.

We're sure grateful for so many things, especially our friends and family. We love Thanksgiving weekend for the reflection, food, and fun.


Kristen Nufer said...

Your hats look like fun! Maybe we can make some over Christmas. It looks like you hosted a lot of people for Thanksgiving! I love the beach pictures.

Natalie and Steve said...

Gosh, last year this time we were getting ready to come see you guys! Shay is so big!
I'm glad you got your Brenneckes in!