Sunday, September 06, 2009

The Kalalau Adventure

We finally did it! We hiked the Kalalau Trail in its entirety--11 hard miles there, 11 hard miles back. We spent 3 days, 2 nights, and most of our stamina, but we loved it. Our good friends Matt and Megan joined us on the adventure. We made arrangements for the kids and we were all smiles at the trailhead. Notice Karen's enormous pack.
We have hiked portions of this trail several times, but the color of the water along the Na Pali coast is always breathtaking. At one point we could see a pod of 26 Spinner dolphins jumping and twirling 200 feet below where we were standing.

We all had a bit of anxiety for mile 7. This portion of the trail is known to be a little dicey--narrow trail, steep cliffs, and loose rocks. If you look closely at the picture below you can see a couple of hikers hugging the cliff wall, gently making their way forward. I affectionately named this portion of the trail "Trechor".
Can you spot the trail? Here's a shot of Karen, Megan, and Matt carefully making their way through Trechor. I've determined that this was a calculated risk. Had it been raining, we would have turned around. The weather was good, the trail was in good shape, and we all felt comfortable making our way through, I mean Trechor.As soon as we made it to mile 8 we were rewarded with this view--the beginning of Kalalau Valley. Notice that Karen and I switched packs. There is slight possibility that I miscalculated the weight distribution of our packs. Karen hiked the first two strenuous miles with the heavier pack. Once I reevaluated at mile 2 we made the switch and the hiking was much better.
A trail favorite was the tropical fruit trees in abundance. Had I known I would have packed less food. We splurged with guavas and oranges, and sampled a tart passion fruit. Karen especially likes guavas.

We were thrilled when we made it to the sign. Our smiles quickly faded when we realized we still had a mile and half from this point.
At least we could see our destination. Kalalau Beach is located on the right of the picture below.

We dragged in to Kalalau Beach around 3:30 pm. The beach was beautiful. We were tired, dirty, hungry, and thirsty. Our tents went up quickly and we collapsed on the warm beach for an hour--a perfect remedy.
I almost thought my legs were tan until I washed off in the ocean. I wouldn't have liked the tan line anyway.
Our efforts were rewarded with a beautiful sunset. Filled with Easy Mac and jerky we were ready to turn in and get rested for the next day's activities.
We woke up early excited about the adventure of the new day. We first explored the Kalalau Beach area. Matt and Megan enjoyed a morning stroll. This beach comes with all sorts of amenities....
... a refreshing mountain shower,
...high class restroom facilities (you have to hold it on Tues, Thurs, Sat, and Sun),
...and a variety of entertainment such as sand mounds. Isn't Karen so graceful? Karen and Megan graceful together.
Matt and I had other ideas. Look, an abandoned kayak?! Does it still work?
I saw a glowing green light coming from the center of the cave, but left my wand back home so didn't worry about it. The kayak floated just fine, but there were no paddles.
We did, however, find a better way to propel the kayak.

Another neat thing about Kalalau Beach is the caves. These are only accessible in the summer/fall.
A highlight of our adventure was Honopu Beach. The only way to access this beach is to swim from Kalalau Beach around the cliff to the sandy shore. It is illegal to land a kayak or boat on this beach. Our guide book states that this "is the most beautiful beach in all the islands, maybe in all the Pacific....There is none finer. Period." I have to agree. We made the swim in the morning when the ocean was calm. We were the only ones there. I couldn't bring the camera so the pictures are taken from a distance.
If you look closely you can see an arch in the distance on the beach. The arch is about 80 feet tall and is a passage way to a beautiful secluded waterfall.
In the afternoon we took to the trail again making our way up to the Kalalau Valley.

The destination--Big Pool. Matt tested the waters without hesitation.
We also found a new flower we had never seen before. Any ideas? It is the flower that blossoms from a passion fruit vine.
We arrived back at camp in the late afternoon. The ocean looked inviting and we needed cooling. Karen and I body surfed for nearly an hour. This was our backdrop.
The sunset proved to be even better than the night before--and so did dinner. We broke out the canned food (that's right, Matt packed in canned stew, pork & beans, and black beans). We also cooked up some Top Ramen that never tasted so good.
We all ditched our camp that night and slept on the beach. Well, almost. It started sprinkling at 3:00 am and we had to finish out the night in the tent. I'm convinced that sleeping on the beach adds time to your life. It was serene. We packed up early the next morning and began our journey home. Matt and I convinced the women that walking sticks were absolutely essential for this kind of hiking. They believed us on the way home.
We made it back to our car 2 hours faster than our hike in to Kalalau. It came with a price, though. We were parched and famished. The first stop was a grocery store to load up on Fuze and Powerade. The next stop was famous Scotty's BBQ where we reloaded on protein and fries. It was a perfect end to a perfect adventure.


Kristen said...

Cory likes walking sticks too. Awesome! Live there four more years so we can go too!

Eric and Jill said...

For realz, looks like a perfect adventure. Of course the best part to me was the Scotty's, and I'm glad for once I can say that I've already been there, done that! JK! The whole hike looked like a blast and a half. I'd love to do something like that!

Julie said...

Isn't there a movie out about this particular hike? About some crazy serial killers who prey on unsuspecting couples? Seriously! I saw it the other day with Rob and I'm pretty sure its about this same hike! Creepy!! I'm glad no serical killers got you... looks like the only killer on that treck would have been the cliffs of "Mordor" ( :

Kudos to you two for accomplishing this! Wow!

Ryan and Christina said...

Wow, beautiful!
I'm impressed you found fruit too! I'd love to do that hike if we ever make it out there :)

Barbie Mills said...

Wow. That is neat. I think I would have fallen off at mile 7.
That flower is actually called a passion flower.... go figure. It is supposed to symbolize Christ because it looks like it has a crown of thorns, even though they aren't sharp.

cory said...

When I read the part about 'I found a better way to propel the kayak, I half expected to look at the next picture and see Karen in the water kicking her legs propelling the kayak with Brady sitting on top.

Suburban Monkey said...

What a great opportunity to slip away for a bit and have an adventure! amazing! I don't know about the old Trechor though, a little questionalble.

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Looks like you guys have explored every inch of the island now, its time to move! How fun!

Melanie said...

Wow!! What an adventure! It sounds completely AMAZING!! Thanks for sharing it!

Natalie and Steve said...

I felt like I was playing "Where's Waldo" with those hikers, but I found them! (I blew up the picture to find them!)

What a gorgeous hike! I'm glad you were able to make it to that beach!

Dean and Lana Edwards said...

The views and adventure looked like true paradise. We want to go on a hike too, but request a 1 mile hike.
Of course, first we have to get to Hawaii. What haven't you seen on your island?

Roni, Coleman, Makadie and Anika said...

WOW! Maybe one day we will be able to do it with you again!

Scott and Natalie said...

Incredible! I love the tan line Brady! You guys truly live in paradise! We can't wait to join you!

Kristen Nufer said...

Those are really beautiful pictures. I'm proud of you guys for making it through such a hard hike! The kayaking looked fun too. I'm jealous of you guys going to Scotty's--we better come back and go again!

Unknown said...

Wow, cool pics. Beautiful. I'm missing Hawaii!

Jenni said...

What a life. Live it up guys. Would you be up for a wife swap maybe? Just for a month? LOL.
I am living vicariously through your blog. How pathetic.

Scott and Natalie said...

Love the Mordor comment Brad, but nothing beats the picture of your feet!!

Leslie said...

I love your pictures and descriptions! I am looking forward to coming again! I won the prize!