Sunday, January 11, 2009


We loved having Natalie and Steve visit! We have looked forward to hosting them over the holidays for several months, and the house seems pretty empty now that their two week visit is over.

On Saturday (Dec 27), we went on a hike with them to see two waterfalls. While normally a very easy hike, it was quite muddy, and the falls still looked like chocolate milk. It was beautiful walking through the forest, though.

Unfortunately, forest means mosquitos, and Zachary and I were attacked! It rained on us part way through the hike, and we think a lot of the repellent came off with the rain. When we woke up Sunday morning, Zac had 12 very swollen bites! They seemed to swell even more at church (where I'm sure many angry mothers thought I brought a child with chicken pox to church), so we stopped by the pharmacy on the way home to see what dosage medicine we could give him. While the pharmacist talked, tears were just streaming from my eyes. I felt so bad that I let this happen!! I realized then that as each year progresses, I get sappier and sappier.

This shot is post-Benadryl. Pathetic, huh?

One night, we all got ambitious with a present from Brady's boss. Although I am absolutely anti-toy guns, it was a blast playing gun darts and competing with S&N. We had a pretty intense scoring system, and a close competition.

We also enjoyed some fun dining experiences. Here is the famous Hula Pie:

New Year's Eve was a blast at Jeff and Dawn's house. Zac turned in a bit early. In fact, none of us made it to midnight. LAME! Oh well. We should have done the 8 min New Years like the Ritchies!

Steve and Natalie are like two honeymooners, constantly exchanging affection and kisses.

According to tradition, we went to Hanalei again on New Year's Day. The weather and waves were once again favorable! I kept telling S&N that they must have brought the good weather with them!

Natalie ate up the boogie boarding, and Steve was again successful on the waves. I had to add this classic Natalie shot:

Brady looked hot catching some great rides:

During my turn, I was able to go out with Megan, who is a dancer. She is a natural! I really loved talking to someone in the water. That doesn't happen very often anymore.

Here I am, about to hop on a wave:

Zachary is a true beach baby. We were at the beach 4+ hours, and even without a nap, he was the happiest kid in the world. He loves to play in the sand, splash in the waves, and find things to stick in his mouth. It's fun to see him so delighted.

When we were done for the day, Zac decided to take a turn at the surfing business. Good job, baby!

Thanks, S&N, for sharing some good times!!!


Em said...

Those are some GORGEOUS photos! Glad you guys had fun. It's my dream that one day you'll blog about us coming to visit. Hmmmm.

Natalie and Steve said...

Zac really is a trooper!

Scott and Natalie said...

How Fun! I love the pics of Zach on the boards! He is going to be surfing before he's two!

Barbie Mills said...

Poor little guy! Those bites do look painful.

Great to see Natalie looking so happy.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! I love Zac on the surf board! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun with Natalie and Steve!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to ZACH!!! and his haircut!! too cute. we (sadly i must add) need to get andrew's haircut. it's an old man mullet. and sometimes it is a HUGE frizzy mess. but he has (still) not as much hair on the top of his head, and i'm afraid if we cut it, it will be like starting back at square one. BALD!!

NW Varneys said...

I think the Zac on a surfboard pictures could be an ad in a magazine. too fun. we can't wait to try hula pie!!