Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Cars

My work sponsored an event at the Danville Auto Museum to introduce our new community "Trilogy at the Vineyards." I thought I would share some of my favorite cars I spotted. My overall favorite was this 1957 Astor Martin racing car....a huge gas hog.

The Ferrari's also caught my attention....also gas hogs.

This car was likely the largest and most expensive in the entire museum-- a 1960's Rolls Royce formerly used for royalty. It is estimated to be worth several million dollars. But is that just the yearly expense for gas?

So...when all said and done, I'd rather have my 1995 hatchback Ford Escort that costs me $0 per month and gets over 30 miles/gallon......and real beauty!


Scott and Natalie said...

Dang, what kind of job did you say you had? Playing with fancy cars and getting paid for it? Talk about the life! Where do I apply!

Brady said...

I especially like the dent in the side of the Escort that we pocketed $600 for (instead of getting it fixed). What a classy, gas effecient car.

Oh, and Scott...Too bad Brady's job doesn't allow us to sport any other car than the Escort...hehe.

Anonymous said...

love that show!
you are so californian...

Natalie and Steve said...

Ferrari all the way baby!