Sunday, April 16, 2006

The True Meaning of Easter

Yesterday, Brady and I, Roni and Coleman, and Coleman's parents got together for our traditional Easter Egg Derby. The derby involves a NCAA style tourney of competing eggs. To participate in your own derby, follow these steps:

1. Boil your eggs. Unfortunately, despite great care for this instruction, some of our eggs ended up a little mushy inside. They made quite a splatter on contact.

2. Decorate your eggs. This year, Coleman's mom taught us to use rubber bands.

3. Rank your eggs based entirely on looks. This year, Brady's egg won (see "Stripes" above), and was seeded as a #1 pick.

4. Sit across a short table, and push your eggs together. A scientific law states that only one egg will break on contact (unless they aren't actually hard-boiled, in which case they will splatter egg guts all over the table). The egg that does not break goes on to the next round.

5. Declare a champion. Here is the picture from the championship match between me and Coleman's dad. After never making it to a second-round, I actually took the title! We renamed my egg "Cinderella."

6. Enjoy a hearty feast of egg salad sandwiches, fruit, freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade, and the best chocolate cake we've ever tasted.


NW Varneys said...

Man, you guys sure know how to make us nostalgic for good friends. We have friends here, but they pale in comparison to the #1 seed egg maker, the tourney champion, and the hosts. Congrats Karen!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

You guys should sell a "Egg Derby Kit" or something. Include all the instructions and different egg dyes along with rubber bands, etc. You could even have awards included! Better hurry before someone steals the idea off your blog and sells it.

NW Varneys said...

From Julie "Stripes looks cool, but nothing will ever match my legendary Strawberry egg, as far as looks are concerned. I was sad the day I cracked that egg...." ;)

Eric and Jill said...

Once again, a great action shot of Karen doing all she can to win, even if it is only an egg contest. Karen, I think you helped nurture a competitive spark inside of me. Remember always being one step ahead?

Brady said...

I'm telling you, Jill, I learned that from Christina! She and I were awful with that!! But mostly I remember you talking about cheeseburgers halfway through the runs.

Julie--seriously, we were talking about that strawberry egg. Nothing compares. In fact, someone tried to mimic it, and it was a disaster.

Eric and Jill said...

HA! Cheeseburgers, eh? Jr. bacon cheeseburgers to be exact!!!

Anonymous said...

So who won???!

I'm dying to know...