Monday, March 27, 2006

Pink Ribbon Month

Today in class, we were talking about the common types of cancer, their characteristics, etc. This day requires a bit of maturity from students, as we discuss a few sensitive topics (i.e. breast and prostate cancer). However, I couldn't get mad about the snickering after my slip-up in class.

On my PowerPoint, I had a picture of a pink ribbon next to some of the risk factors for breast cancer. One student in the back asked, "What does a pink ribbon have to do with breast cancer?"

My response? "It's for Breast Awareness Month."

Unfortunately, I didn't catch myself the first time. A student asked, "For what month?"

My response again: "For October--Breast Awareness Month."

Oops. It was pretty funny, I have to say, when I finally caught up with the rest of the class. I told them I'd probably be fired for laughing along with them.


cory said...

Hilarious Karen! I can't stop laughing about this one. What are you teaching those poor Utah kids?!

Please make sure to not use that as an example of good teaching when you interview out here this week.

Natalie and Steve said...

Hehe. I love it!

Eric and Jill said...

Well said, Karen. Thumbs up for keeping your students awake and alert during class!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Thanks for the laugh Karen! This one even tops the "Brady, eat your potato skins or your hair will fall out" story.

Scott and Natalie said...

I am just imagining that room full of high school students, they probably don't need to be any more aware! What a classic story! I laughed for a good while over this one!