Tuesday, November 29, 2005

For Your Viewing Pleasure

We would have enjoyed this whole experience so much more if it wasn't so cooooold! We just made quick work of our walk around the temple and then were warmed by the various cuisines at Bombay House.

A Thanksgiving Spectacular

We made our own Thanksgiving hats and sported them all through dinner. We had fun coming up with names.

From left to right: Chief El Guapo, Chief Donk, Chief Pot, Chief Corn Skuzz, and Chief Squat and Drop.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

We're far too cheap to send you all this card, but you should check it out.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal

Terris loves her life of crime. Brady had to post bail for her yesterday...the second time this month! Apparently, wandering right around our house is NOT okay with the city of Orem. (Frankly, it's not okay with us, either, but I'm projecting my irritation.)

(As another side note, I just taught my Health kids what "projection" means.)

If we weren't so frustrated with our growing "misc." account on Money, we would think that Terris is actually quite clever to think of new ways of escape.

Gotta be smarter than the dog, I suppose.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

My New Favorite Sport

All month, I've been nagging Brady about playing some racquetball with me. Every weekend, there's a new excuse... "homework," "relaxing," "anything but..." Really, he just didn't want to face my ferocious game. Yeah, that's right. I cleaned up on that boy.

I've got a few battle scars from wall run-ins...on my elbow, hip, and ankle. (As a side note, Brady aggravated his corn.)

Anyone want to play over break? Bring it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wednesday Night Live

Front and center of the school newspaper was a news-breaking article entitled, "Mrs. Major No More." Apparently, a recent study suggests that there is a growing tendency around the nation for males to pursue a degree in Home Economics. The article highlighted one male student who was seen in a picture pouring apple conglomerates in a perfectly baked pie crust for credit in his Home Economics class...Ironically, his name is Micheal Faggard.