Wednesday, January 29, 2025

December Simplicity

This year, my December theme was simplicity.  I leaned into the family activities, basketball and soccer games, and a few Christmas activities.  There was no daily calendar and very little pressure compared to other years.  With Brady's travel schedule, we opted instead to enjoy the month but put very little expectation into it.

First highlight post-Thanksgiving: Wicked!  It was so much better than we expected, and we finished the production at Cheesecake Factory meal with Ritchies.  Owen was so excited to order his own salad, and shocked by the size.

Sleeping over at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the break felt like the days when we lived far away.  Their home really does feel like home.

The kids convinced me to leave early am to ski, which meant driving clear to Highland to get gear and then back up the canyon.  I was shocked to arrive just before opening even with all the travel.  I can't help but love their enthusiasm to get in ski days.

So warm!  I had to vent my clothes and unzip my coat.
Every ski day, the kids complain when I turn on my book on the way home so I wait until they are sound asleep ten minutes later.

Last football home game of the season: a freezing cold game with Owen that started at 8pm.  Not our most responsible parenting but it was sure fun sipping cocoa and rubbing his arms to keep him warm.

The 4th quarter show, complete with fire dancing and fireworks, is a big step up from 20 years ago.

Dinner with the Creers.  Brady mentioned we had never eaten with them and I corrected him before remembering he was out of town.  That was the theme of December for my hard-working husband--three weeks out of town in December!

Zachary is quickly becoming a favorite at the Gibbons house.  I love watching him interact with kids.  He is so playful and fun and a little wild.

Another ski day!  This time Brady joined, plus with McKay, the Waltmans, and Kristen's family.  I was skiing behind Owen and came up on a Dad and a little boy.  The boy fell and I slowed to avoid colliding.  He looked up and said, "OH!  HI!"  It was Theo Waltman!  Not used to seeing him out of the ocean!

Me and Emily!  Emily was impressed by Kate's improvement from last year.

We joined Waltmans for tacos.  Love those guys so much and I envy their on-the-go lifestyle.

Kate made Gingerbread houses with Eliza and Sophie, so we did our family houses while she was at dance.  I crack up that my kids like delicious food but are also happy to eat the garbage candy, icing straight from the bag, and premade gingerbread throughout the following week.

Train with a light!

The following Saturday was a ski day for us, but a work day for Brady.  He had some things to check at our house, and happened to see Mark Basil--his old roommate.  My roommates originally tried to set me up with Mark and this is ultimately how I met Brady!
It snowed on us every minute of the day.  Delightful!

Late afternoon, we joined Brady for a wog around the lake and then booked it back up to SLC for a BYU Game at the Delta Center.

Walker and Kate regularly hang out and a few perks of this arrangement include eating with Cory and Kristen and a trip to Gourmandise.

Kate does a repeat science experiment (see 2-3 years ago).  Check.
Cheesy pasta...yum!

House renderings.
Ralphie and Rosita are BACK!

Attending the Christmas chorus concert and watching both Kate and Walker sing: so delightful!  

Then watching Owen sing with his 3rd grade class: I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and 32 Feet and 8 Little Tails of White.  
Owen was my baker buddy and I felt like a supermom making sugar cookies on a weekday when Brady was out of town and I was driving kids all over.

Making his teacher a card for Christas after his shower:

Buddy the Elf and Santa showed up on Pajama Day!

Another ski Saturday, this time with Blake!  We skied Alta and the runs pushed us to be so much better than we started.  

Kristen attempted to teach us to ski in circles when we got to the bottom of the mountain.  Can you believe how little snow you see on the trees?  It was so warm!
We met up with Erin's family to bowl and exchange gifts.  We are so bad at bowling but it was a fun family night.

Grandma and Grandpa had their grandkid cookie party the Monday before Christmas.  Everyone made it and there were 100 plus cookies.  It was loud, sweet and sugary.
Loved watching the older cousins embrace the youngers, and all of them interact.
Grandma and Grandpa's tree with Brady's awkward years on center display.
While the kids made cookies, we played pickle ball and paddle tennis.  We opted out of a gift exchange this year and spent time together instead.  Angela and Karen make racket sports look so easy, and the rest of us try hard to at least hit the ball.
Love Ryan and Zachary's relationship.  They bonded this Christmas by realizing they both got a punching bag and gloves.

Zachary running in slippers...I wonder if that is a habit that will stick next winter.
Christmas Eve, we met up with Anna and Janece for noodles, then shopped for new blankets at Minky.  So lovely having Janece in town from Arizona for the holidays.  They both like spicy food, which is off-trend for most of my siblings.

Christmas Eve at Cory and Kristen's!  They graciously let Anna and Janece join us for festivities.  We had their traditional Christmas Eve feast--salmon bowls--plus chicken for the non-fish eaters.  

We finished the evening with reverent and rowdy Christmas hymns.  

Loved seeing Roxy and Owen get some cousin affection.

And the older teens chatting it up in a circle.

The night ended poorly for Emmett, who puked all over the couch.  Karen and Ryan scrambled to help with vomit in their hair and clothes.  Family gatherings would not be the same if a kid didn't throw up.  They left soon after the carols.

The kids asked Santa questions then tucked in downstairs to watch "The Grinch."

Owen loves the Jimmy Fallon book, "5 Sleeps Til Christmas" and said, "Only one more sleep til Christmas!"