Monday, December 23, 2019

Family Photos by Tatiana, 2019

Family Photos 2019 was the most relaxed, easy and enjoyable session we've ever done.  I loved working with Tatiana and although I prefer a more natural lighting rather than the darker filter, I will trade that any day for the moments she captured with us.

 Zachary wins for the most photogenic this year.
 Katers was also spot-on with crimped hair and lovely smile.

 O prefers the closed-lip smiles.

 She told Zachary to kiss me, not realizing that we have a one-kiss-per-day rule that he willingly follows, although he'd prefer it be none, ever.

 This is my very favorite picture.

 Gasp!  My fierce, kind, ambitious daughter.

 My favorite of Owen/Brady.

 Our Christmas card:

 I'm not really a dress girl but this makes me think I should be, and I felt a little like Keira Knightly on the cliffs with hair and dress blowing and expansive music in "Pride and Prejudice."