Monday, March 27, 2006

Pink Ribbon Month

Today in class, we were talking about the common types of cancer, their characteristics, etc. This day requires a bit of maturity from students, as we discuss a few sensitive topics (i.e. breast and prostate cancer). However, I couldn't get mad about the snickering after my slip-up in class.

On my PowerPoint, I had a picture of a pink ribbon next to some of the risk factors for breast cancer. One student in the back asked, "What does a pink ribbon have to do with breast cancer?"

My response? "It's for Breast Awareness Month."

Unfortunately, I didn't catch myself the first time. A student asked, "For what month?"

My response again: "For October--Breast Awareness Month."

Oops. It was pretty funny, I have to say, when I finally caught up with the rest of the class. I told them I'd probably be fired for laughing along with them.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Lunch with Chad Lewis

This past week I had the priviledge of eating lunch with Tight End Chad Lewis. It turns out his brother owns a construction company and they both visited the BYU Construction Management students. He sat directly across from me at lunch and we spent a good hour in conversation. We spent some time talking about his foot injury that occured on the game winning touchdown that led the Eagles to the Super Bowl last year. We also discussed everthing from his football future to his many stories of T.O. Chad will be a free agent this coming season. He tried to recruit me to play for the NFL, but I had to turn him down because I already accepted a job. If only he would have asked sooner.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Well, our bragging has been put to rest.

We have had our hopes a bit smashed. Our little Escort--which we have constantly praised--had it's first major repairs. It simply wouldn't start. $400 later, it is working nicely. (Although we have to point out that on the books, it's worth about $500 right now.) Maybe we should follow Cory and Kristen's lead and ditch it for bigger and better...

On the same day, BYU lost to Utah--again. It seems that under Utah pressure, our teams cannot pull it together. This is the first game this season we have lost when we were ahead with 5 min left to play.

Incidentally, we saw Keena Young when we went out to eat on Friday night. We wanted to comment that we had planned to watch him that night on ESPN, and not at a food joint. We certainly can't be ticked with him, though, considering that he played well.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hi Mom!

This has been one of those weeks when you forget that you have homework(although I have not forgotten that I graduate in two months). We have loved having Mom around. Aside from spoiling us rotten, Mom has made the most of her trip to Utah. We cheered BYU basketball and volleyball teams to victories, we had several family dinners, and Karen and I continually tried to convince Mom to move out here permanently.
To fascinate Mom with the beauty of Utah county, we decided to take her to Sundance. As you can see from the beautiful trees directly behind us, the scenery was breath-taking(literally). We took pictures anyway......
then decided to take pictures of things more visually pleasing.

The following is Terris's reaction to seeing mom for the first time during her trip. She could hardly wipe the smile off her face.

Terris decided it necessary to show off every one of her skillz to Mom during her visit. The following picture demonstrates our dog's "snoutin' grab" trick.